Monday, February 3, 2020

Course Project

For my course project I decided to build a machine learning model to predict the amount of energy a building will use based on characteristics of the building and weather trends. The machine learning model will be trained on a dataset merged from two Kaggle datasets. One dataset includes information about each building including its primary use, total square feet, the year it was built in, and the number of floors in the building. The other Kaggle dataset includes information taken from each site the buildings are located at and includes air temperature, precipitation measurements, and wind speed. This model has two primary use cases. This model is useful as it will allow building owners to compare the expected future energy output given the current characteristics of the building to a theoretical version of the building with modified characteristics. This will allow building owners to make more informed decisions about energy consumption when planning modifications to their buildings.

In terms of methodology, this has been a difficult problem to build a good cross validation strategy for. Typically, in machine learning, datasets can be randomly split into training and test sets. Usually the training set has about 80% of the data and is used to make the model learn patterns in the data, while the test set is used to gauge how well the model is performing. However, for this problem I needed to set up a time series cross-validation strategy. In essence, I had to create the training and test sets in such a way that in any given split of the data, all the training data preceded the test data chronically. This step was necessary because it is not useful to gauge a model’s performance by training on ‘future’ data predicting ‘past’ data. Once, I implemented a working cross validation strategy, I was able to start creating new characteristics about each building from the existing ones and see measurable gains in performance on the test set. I am currently still working on creating more new features, and will soon be moving into feature selection and tuning the hyper-parameters of the model.

I thought this was a very good introduction to some of the advantages and disadvantages of AI. You are correct in saying AI has successfully decreased human error across a variety of fields. Artificial intelligence can simultaneously keep far more variables in memory than the human mind can and learning can be simulated much quicker than the way in which we learn. This is fantastic for solving complex logic puzzles quickly.

Gaining more exposure to existing technology sounds like a great fun project to work on. I'm interested to see what type of design you can construct and hope to learn something new from it. I am also new to Revit so understand the amount of learning this will take.

I really liked your view on having robots automate the tedious heavy work to give humans more freedom. Metal and machinery is far better at lifting heavy things repeatedly without tiring out than us. By letting the robots take care of this labor intensive side we give humans more time to be creative and innovative. Although, this will initially get rid of some jobs I believe it has the ability to create time for more meaningful and enjoyable activities.


Reece Masucci said...


You have an interesting project. I have had a bit of experience with Kaggle before, as I was required to do a project on it from one of my classes about a year ago. It is cool to see you bring this knowledge from a different class and incorporate it into your term-long project!

Varsha Ajith said...


Your project sounds very interesting! I think that having a tool that predicts the future energy output of a building given its capabilities and the environment it is in could be useful for a lot of different reasons; especially now that more buildings are looking to get LEED accredited, it would be interesting to see how those buildings would compare in changing climates in the future. Also, aside from your immediate project topic, I think it would be interesting to consider how the possible inclusion of this tool in residential properties will affect the real estate industry.

Stephen Pettit said...


I really like your project idea. I have no experience with Kaggle, but I like the idea of creating a model that will determine future outcomes based off past outcomes. I am excited to see how your project turns out because it something that is very important in the building industry. Characteristics such as loads, temperatures, and other weather measurements are crucial for project accuracy. I agree as well with your statement with how building owners will have a better idea with energy consumption on renovation projects.

Mika Awai said...


You're project sounds very interesting. I had never heard of Kaggle before, so I looked it up to learn more about it. Although I am not familiar with coding of any type, but I find it interesting that you can create something that can predict energy usage based on the characteristics of a building and weather patterns. I find this model particularly interesting because it ties into the project I am doing with my group, which is how BIM softwares can help in green/sustainable buildings.

Andre Morris said...

Hey Michael,

I'm very interested to see where this project goes and what the finished product looks like. I think that this model could be incredibly beneficial not only from an owner's viewpoint but also from a design viewpoint. This would greatly affect the materials chosen for the building envelope, which mechanical systems are chosen, and where energy consumption can be improved.

Douha Alqudaihi said...

When I first read your post, the first thing that came to my mind was eQuest software which I think is similar to your project. I didn’t have any knowledge about Kaggle, but you made me search and read about it. You have a creative idea. If I know how this works, I would have joined you. I liked how you discussed your methodology and what difficulties you are facing. I think your project could be helpful for those you are doing researches on HVAC.
Your projects sound professional, interesting and really detailed. I can’t wait to see you presenting it to the class.