Saturday, February 8, 2020

Object Oriented Databases

A database in simple terms is a collection of data. A data model is a structure in which data is represented and accessed. The most common is the hierarchical data model in which data is organized into a tree-like structure. Another is the Object data model in which data is stored by objects rather than integers and strings. In a typical database, data is stored in rows and columns.
The object-based database allows the conceptual model to be closely similar to the real world. The picture below from Pittsburg university represents a real-world entity as an object which is further subcategorized into state and behavior. The complexity can rapidly increase as objects can also have sub-objects with sub-categories.

Rea] world entity 
Dane Bell,
You are right in terms that databases can resolve disadvantages that come with work that based on paper. Digitization sure has its advantages.

Ina Sison,
I have never heard of Hadoop and it sounds like we use it everyday. From your post, it seems like SQL is kind of like excel where every cell(data) is connected to each other and organized in certain way.

Douha Alqudaihi,
Relational databases are ubiquitous or otherwise data would be just data with no links between the other. I like the example that you bring up and relationship with SQL.


Mika Awai said...


From your post and others my understanding of a object oriented database is one that is similar to a relational database, but is presented in a different form that may be easier to visualize. Because I am unfamiliar with databases in general, i’m not sure what other “real-world entities” could be presented as an object, but I am interested to find out more.

Stephen Pettit said...


I am not too familiar with databases, but my understanding is that most types of databases are similar to each other. And that the main difference between other databases is how the data is interpreted. Object database seem to be able to paint a better picture for the user. Also, when the database gets more intense, object databases would probably break down the situation more clearly. It would show how sub categories are connected with each other.