Sunday, February 2, 2020

Blog Post #4 - Project Description

Group members: Vishist Jain, Anchit Jain, Pritesh Prajapati

Initially, our project was focused on investigating sustainable technology that emphasizes environmentally friendly practices during the design and construction process. However, after further discussion, we decided to switch the tracks towards modeling. Many of the topics associated with intelligent building are prospective, which may or may not be successful in the future. Much of the landscape around the intelligent building is pending, waiting to flourish to its full potential. In some ways, it is limited by current technology power. As a group, we wanted to explore, learn and discover technology that is already present that we have not been familiar with. In our case, Revit is an intelligent building software that is already being utilized in the industry by the majority.
The project will be a set of finished construction documents that will include a model of a residential 2 story building along with a structural document. The document will have every detail, section, elevation necessary for real construction. The products utilized in the construction document will also be available to purchase. We plan to use Revit for the majority of our tasks including analysis and formulation of the structure. The structure will also comply with the building code as per our understanding. If we lack information, an educated assumption will be conducted in order to deliver a finished project. Since we do not have any experience with Revit in the past, there will be challenges and will require self-learning as we progress along with the project. We plan of documenting every step as well as recommendations for improvement.

Robots in construction is an interesting topic for intelligent building. You mentioned a lot of positive aspects of robotics in construction such as efficiency however, it would also be interesting to see counter-arguments against robotics aswell. In terms of union-dominated industry, would robots entry face resistance from people who may lose their job. Just something to think about.  

I look forward to your project. Generative design is something that I'm not familiar with. From the way you describe, in my opinion, the efficiency of structures will skyrocket. It's just absurd that no one has been utilizing this technology to the mass scale. I do not have many recommendations however do keep project untestable to someone who isn't an expert. 

There are many BIM software on the market. However, there are differences between them. I look forward to knowing them. I do have much knowledge besides Revit so it would be interesting to see what the other players have to offer.


Abdul said...

Pritesh ,

I am excited to see your project become finished. From what I read, it seems like you all have thought carefully about the process and tools you will be using. Additionally, it is exciting to hear that you wanted to be environmentally conscious in your construction. Looking forward to the result of your hard work as a group.

Ina Sison said...

I applaud you for using this assignment to learn something completely new. Revit is such a powerful tool that has truly taken over this industry, so it is now a necessary skill to have if you pursue a career in building design. I also like how your group will also create construction documents along with your model. I am excited to see what your finished model will look like.

Dane Bell said...

I like your topic but do want to know if you will be designing the landscape around the building or if you're only doing the structural and innards. This project could prove to be very hard if there are many moving parts. Because I am a novice in Revit, I am excited to see what kind of designs can be created and how intelligent building coincides with Revit and see the functions that synthesize the program and idea.

Michael Manley said...

Gaining more exposure to existing technology sounds like a great fun project to work on. I'm interested to see what type of design you can construct and hope to learn something new from it. I am also new to Revit so understand the amount of learning this will take.

Madeleine Walker-Elders said...


Wow, this project sounds like a lot of work! Is there going to be a specific part of the building engineering that you will focus on to highlight what makes it intelligent? Such as the mechanical or light design in the building? This project will be very useful to you when interviewing for jobs because employers like to see that students have an understanding of all the parts that go into construction documentation.