Tuesday, February 11, 2020

B5 - Object-Oriented Databases - Michael Sciarra

Object-Oriented Databases, or OODB, are defined as a type of database used to represent data with objects and classes, where “objects” are defined as real world entities and “classes” are a specific grouping of objects based on similar traits. Object oriented database models are founded on the union of object-oriented programming and relational database features. The objects in object-oriented databases have special identifiers which are either dependent on their state, which is essentially the objects properties that define specific facts about the object, or their behavior, which pertains to more methods that define what the object does as opposed to simply what it is. A class may be an accumulation of objects with similar identifiers that may be methods or properties. 

Objects can be divided into simple objects and complex objects. Simple objects are very minimal, usually only consisting of simple integers and characters. Complex characters formed by a complex string of simple objects. There is another type of objects referred to as persistent and normal objects. Persistent objects can exist even after a project is executed through being stored in a computer’s memory while normal objects will disappear after execution. 

Object-Oriented Databases have a few special features that make them more convenient. Some of these features are Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Association. Encapsulation is a feature that allows the programmer to hide unnecessary information from the user that is not important to them, but is important to the object itself. Inheritance is an interesting feature that appears to be a sub-class essentially where the object in a class can inherit the properties or behaviors of its primary class. Association is another feature involved in the connecting of classes. With association, two classes can be related by similarly linked circumstances, and then identified by a unifying label. These features further aid in making Object-Oriented Databases a more organized classification and storage system.

Source: https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-an-object-oriented-database.html

I appreciated your general overview of databases as it gave me a good understanding of the concept before starting my own post. The use of this system over the Web would make it highly desirable. From experience, students will always take the cheaper option, and this is evident with sketchup which is often only used in the free web format among students. This is even further reinforced with your comment on the programs accessibility on smart phones in addition to laptops and desktops.

I think your overview of the applications of databases in construction firms is very hefty, having covered a lot of ground. Upon reading your post it made me question whether or not it would be appropriate to store construction materials themselves into a database. Knowing how strenuous it is to find specific information for materials in the current structures class this would be super efficient and applicable to object-oriented databases as you could possibly organize by specific steel sizes and divide them into smaller sub-classes by similar widths or flange size, etc.

The use of Augmented Reality to compare virtual elements with existing site features was very intriguing. This application really highlights the power of databases. I feel this can really help designers visualize any differences between a theoretical model and the actual site, differences that would go unnoticed otherwise and cause problems farther down the road.

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