Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Project Description - Michael Sciarra

In the pitch for our original topic, Andy and I wanted to pursue something related to BIM, given that we are both intrigued by modeling programs, and are seeking positions involving Revit and Autocad to be used on a daily basis. We decided to write a research paper on the effects of BIM on the Contracting world but then later came to the conclusion that the paper would be more beneficial to our own careers if we centered it around the Engineer/Contractor relationship and how BIM can either strengthen or weaken said relationship. 

We hope to cover, as presented in our outline, the History and Modern Presence of BIM in Contracting and Engineering, the benefits and detriments of implementing BIM, the applicable tools for each party, and the possible future implications of this new technology. 

Our paper will cover this topic’s relation to the course theme of Intelligent Buildings. The progression in technological design evolution toward 3d Modeling and Smarter Planning and Analysis technology will make for more efficient construction and therefore more Intelligent Buildings. With the help of BIM we can simulate more efficient sun, wind, rain, etc. analysis. This makes our buildings more adaptive to their environment which is commonly believed to be one of the core values of Intelligent Buildings in this class. 

We expect to encounter a few challenges on our way to completing our research paper. One of those challenges is providing a respectable list of applicable programs to the Engineering/Contractor relationship that does not become too abundant or too scarce. We need to find a middle ground that demonstrates BIM’s many facet’s while also not turning our research paper into a massive archive. Another challenge could be finding credible sources that provide a new light to our topic as opposed to the already witnessed repetition of expected knowledge. 

It appears your paper will be very in-depth in its analysis of AI and what it holds for our future. I think it may be also interesting to inform the reader of the history of AI and how it has captivated human imagination in the past. You could maybe also describe how you, personally, define AI. 

I like that your topic is even applicable to our current lives as we’ve had to use BIM to model our buildings in AE-391. This paper will definitely be helpful in creating a more sustainable structure, of which the class pushes us to consider. I like that you consider how BIM will help many more people than just the engineer as this would make its implementation in modern firms more intriguing.  

I like your idea for the final project. This would be something I would like to do for my final as it gets my hands dirty in some Revit Modeling while also serving the purpose of improving my experience and familiarizing myself with Revit’s interface. I think while it does make sense for you design something you are familiar with, I think it could benefit you to consider trying something new in each of the new families you create.

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