Monday, February 3, 2020

B4 - Additive Manufacturing

My topic that I will study is 'The Future of Additive Manufacturing: How 3D Printing Can Lead to Sustainable Design." This topic interested Manon and I because the incorporation of 3D printing with construction fascinated us from the moment we discovered its existence. The project will be broken down into numerous sections, but overall, the concept revolves around these questions: How is additive manufacturing being used in the industry today? What are the future advantages it may have in order to create sustainable structures? What are the limitations and challenges it can face?

Manon and I set a criteria for Sustainable Design. What does Sustainable Design mean to us? Manon and I defined this as a design focused on optimizing a buildings performance by reducing its negative impacts on the environment, and the health/comfort of the buildings occupants. We then set some parameters of some objectives we think should met in order to be considered a sustainable structure. These parameters are: using renewable resources, keep waste at a minimum, reduce the amount of energy consumed, and be cost effective. 

In order to analyze how 3D printing in construction can be considered sustainable, we needed to study the construction industry of yesterday and today. Looking at the history of the construction industry, we are able to see how far we have come, and how far we have to go. Of course, there is always room for improvement. By looking at how additive manufacturing has already been implemented in construction, we can see the advantages it has.

The introduction of new materials is present with the use of additive manufacturing, such as Geopolymers. Geopolymer cement is an inorganic, usually ceramic materials used in construction. They have unique characteristics and are capable of forming long range bonds. They harden at room temperature, and is a more environmentally friendly alternative to conventional Portland cement. 

Comment to Michael:

You have an interesting project. I have had a bit of experience with Kaggle before, as I was required to do a project on it from one of my classes about a year ago. It is cool to see you bring this knowledge from a different class and incorporate it into your term-long project!

Comment to Jake:

Your topic interests me because I am particularly fascinated with architecture and construction located in Dubai. It is definitely on my bucket list to visit this city and study some of the structures there. I did not know that Dubai was not only the leader of architecture, but now the leader in robotics for the industry.

Comment to Ina:

Your topic is particularly interesting because I am too fascinated at the incorporation of robotics in construction. What comes to my mind is the video of the robotic arm lifting packages and placing them onto the conveyer belt, getting ready for their shipment. I think it is funny though that people are frightened of robots taking over the world, because robots are only as smart as they are programmed to be.

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