Tuesday, February 4, 2020

B4 - Generative Design

I will be working with Dane Bell on a paper about generative design. We touched on generative design a bit in class, but mostly in the guest lecture from last week from Kayleigh Houde. Generative design is similar to parametric design, with which we are more familiar with, that is assigning parameters to the design so that the computer can fill in the design within the constraints. This is different from computational design or traditional design, where every component is designed individually. In traditional design, the user must take it upon themselves to think of various design options; they definitely cannot come up with ALL the options. Generative design utilizes algorithms, where a computer can definitively come up with all the designs that fit the constraints or parameters applied, often including a cost parameter as well.

Generative design can be applied to many fields and industries, but we will be focusing on mechanical engineering--that is, mechanics, manufacturing, 3D printing-- and architecture--that is, building design, construction, intelligent buildings. Generative design and efficiency go hand-in-hand. Since the computer can determine which are the best models that fit our constraints, there is less time needed to revise and revisit options. Coupled with 3D printing, complex models can be developed on a small scale. Generative design also has the opportunity to revolutionize the architecture and construction industry. As design is refined through parametric/generative methods, the door is opened to new ideas never thought of before. On the microscale, objects like furniture can be optimized with generative design to determine the best way to incorporate size, shape, and cost of material into a singular design. On the macroscale, whole office buildings can be optimized to determine the best locations for desks, meeting spaces, and entrances to allow for the best, most natural layout of the place. Of course, this shouldn’t take away the creativity of the designer. If the designer realizes that the most optimal design that the computer has chosen does not fit the intended use or function of the object or space, design expertise must still be applied. The hope is that generative design can be used as a tool to aid and inspire new designs and ways of approaching problems.


I like that your topic directly relates to your field of interest. It makes what you are doing that much more worthwhile. From someone who knew very little about BIM, the clash detection feature is something that I think is fascinating. Interoperability is crucial to efficiency, and moving various models from one platform to the next is a waste of effort sometimes. I hope you are able to figure out a good way to make the transition more seamless, or at the very least, learn some things along the way!


Robots in the construction industry in the capacity you have described is something I have never thought of before. Having actual robots construct actual buildings seems tricky. Like Spencer said above, the code must be flawless, or else something could go very wrong. I think that there would still really need to be a certain level of human interaction with the robot builders since as of right now, humans with proper experience and training are the only ones that would know if something is being done incorrectly, even though blueprints or plans may say otherwise. However, I guess with technological advances and AI, robots are learning, not just being told what to do. 


I believe that sensors and building management systems are key to an intelligent building. Intelligent buildings are not just about how the structure is built, but how it interacts with the world around it and satisfies the users' needs as well. If sensors can tell when to increase/decrease the temperature based on (1) what the user wants, (2) what temperature already exists within the structure, (3) the outside environment (natural heat from the sun or cooling from the shade), and potentially even (4) costs of energy, that would truly be an intelligent building. I am excited to see what you come up with!

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