Tuesday, February 4, 2020


For this week's Blog Post, we are exploring our own individual projects that we are doing for this class. Now the subjects of the subjects could range from anything that will or has been aught for this course and due to the title being Intelligent buildings it'd be something along those lines. For my group, we wanted something more relevant to our field of work, and that is of the construction and, more specifically, how Artificial intelligence will be impacting it. The main course of action we wanted to take when exploring this was that of what are and will be the benefits of integrating AI into construction and, of course, the other side of the coin on what it could hinder. To list some of the benefits of AI, we wanted to delve into more was that of the efficiencies of how robotic labor could replace that of human labor. This in itself could direct our research in different avenues to the moral effects of said replacement to the actual method of how machines would be designed and program to handle these originally human tasks. However, if you manage to read my teammates' post that beyond the physical implementation of AI, we will also explore the implications of the digital impact. This could go from the automation of sorting through information or having programs in place that could react to new engineering obstacles. The paths laid before can vary greatly so within the coming weeks we will endeavor to bring these array of ideas into focus for the presentation of our final project


Hey Isabel,
Reading over your blog has piqued my interest in regards to how the ever-growing smart home market will have on that of the mechanical aspect of home improvement.  As I am not too familiar with Revit's mechanical portion in measuring cooling loads and the like, do you think that the active sensors in today's technologies are sufficient enough now to make these future changes that you re hinting at? Nonetheless, I look forward to your future presentation.


Reviewing your proposed term project has me intrigued, and the possibilities Dynamo has to offer. To state outright, I have zero background on how Dynamo is used and only the vaguest idea of what can result from implementing it in a project. However, since we both are in the sam senior design group, do you think to have this experience perhaps a year before now would've abled you to have good enough grasp of Dynamo that you could've used for our senior design? Just seeing the tasks you are attempting t accomplish seems very useful had we the time to implement it sooner. Nonetheless, seeing the final results of both this project and that of our senior design will be exciting.

Hey Cory,

It seems you have the makings of an interesting project. Having modular designs is definitely a trend that is taking off as of late. One that comes to mind is that of an AEI competition project, I saw that was a retrofit of a hospital, and the team made the decision to have the hospital room be all prefabricated and simply put into place during construction. They had it laid out that all the mechanical, plumbing, and electrical systems in these units were easy to install and had quick connections that reduced clutter. Best of luck with your project!

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