Tuesday, February 4, 2020

B4 Living off the grid, technology and equipment behind it.

The reason I wanted to take this course was due to the fact that I wanted to see how my field, electrical engineering, and architectural field can be combined. That is why I chose to look into the topic of self-sustainable buildings for the project. The topic itself is very broad since the term “self-sustainable” can include anything starting with self-sustainable materials to build the structures from to high-tech AI operated units. In order to narrow it down I decided to follow my major path and look into the off-grid living.

Renewable energy went from being an expensive and experimental to reliable and affordable technology. The market for the renewable power is one of the fastest growing in the world. Soon enough power needs of the nation and world in general will be able to be satisfied fully by the alternative providers. That is why it is important to know what the switch will mean for the average consumers. And what changes in building structures and building techniques should be made to be prepared for the shift.

We are all familiar with an idea of off grid living. But what are the exact steps that need to be taken in order to be able to go completely off grid? Does one need to live on the cliff of the mountain in order to completely achieve it or living off grid is possible in the middle of the city?  What is the technology behind self-sustainability and what kind of new technology was release recently that makes the switch much more plausible? I will try to find the answers to stated questions in my project. 

I am currently researching into the portable self-sustainable units in order to gain the knowledge about the inner operations of those tiny homes. But mostly I am trying to concentrate on the power consumption, changes to household power grid, additional equipment and possible drawbacks.


To Douha Alqudaihi:

3D printing is the fast growing sector in  technology nowadays. The whole process went from taking hours in order to print a tiny object to be able to print houses in matters of hours. I like that you don’t want to only concentrate your attention on positive aspects of 3D printing for construction business but also want to look into the human aspect and possible unemployment. 

To Liam Osenford:
Artificial Intelligence is a fascinating topic. Generations after generations were intrigued by the idea and wrote a lot of novels and created other art projects devoted to it. And now we are living during the time that were predicted by them.
I like that your post seems well structure like you are going from point to point that you are trying to make in your project. It will be interesting to see the timeline you come up with and the primary users you will identify.  

To Mika Awai:
Your project description seems well designed and well thought of. I am myself looking into sustainable buildings so I am interested to see the results of your research into the topic. I wasn’t aware that there is a special subcategory of the BIM software that assists in helping to create green and sustainable structures. I am wondering what would the special data basis be for those kind of projects and how the whole thing will be executed.


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