Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Databases in Design

The use of databases as design tools is becoming increasingly commonplace with design professionals due to their time saving and organizational benefits. Databases save time for design professionals, particularly when they're automatically generated, one way they do this is by generating index-able lists of materials for quantity take-offs for things such as hardware, fixtures, or mechanical components. In the design process, databases also save time by storing data that can be accessed and used by a computer in the background to ensure users know about clashes in such things as geometry or code. The possibility of all of these things hinges on the effective use of databases to hold this data in an effective manner where it can be indexed quickly by various programs. This leads me to the importance and power of SQL, a popular database manipulation coding language. Since SQL is a universal coding language, its use can be folded into the operations of a plethora of other programs to increase their abilities, thus saving the design professional time and allowing them to create a superior product.


I agree with you that SQL is an excellent coding language when it comes to working with relational databases. I am in Info 210 right now, a class about databases and for our project, my group and I are making a relational database that will aid students in obtaining PDF copies of text books based on their student ID numbers and School. The project is very dependent on relationships between databases and our work has been made much easier because of SQL.


I think your description of SQL as a program is excellent. SQL is an excellent tool for creating, indexing, and modifying databases. I also agree that its status as a universal language makes it all the more valuable because of how easily it can be integrated into other languages. furthermore, i agree with your sentiment that since it is so useful, it is a very marketable skill and that will only increase as time moves on, especially in the design industry.


I liked your use of examples to illustrate the importance of the relationships between data sets. I feel as the established relationships are the most important thing to consider when using a program like SQL and thus take the most thought to avoid things like loops and incongruities.


Liam Ossenfort said...

Cory, I enjoy your emphasis on automation. With databases becoming more accessible due to cloud storage along with increasing speeds, once automation is perfected, projects will be able to practically complete themselves.

Douha Alqudaihi said...

You hooked me with your title! At first, I was wondering how could database be useful in designing, but after reading your post, you gave me a good idea of how. You are right! Database could sort materials and fixtures according to the categories you apply. This is all because of SQL. Every post I read had the word SQL in it which means as you said the importance and the power of it.

Abigail Kryszan said...


I never thought of using databases for design. I've always seen them as an organizational tool for after the design process. Using them for automation makes a lot of sense. This saves time later.

Andre Morris said...


I like your ideas about using a language that's unversal especially given the amount of coordination that has to go into an industry like this. THat is definitely a very crucial aspect to highlight.