Monday, February 3, 2020

Code Compliant Automation Through Dynamo

For my term project, I am planning on automating a handful of tasks that will satisfy basic code compliance from an Electrical Engineering perspective as well as handle a few tasks that would be otherwise tedious. The code compliance automation tasks include the following:

  • Adding fire alarm strobes to rooms with an occupancy of 2 or greater, and a certain area
  • Adding fire alarm speaker strobes to rooms with an occupancy of 2 or greater, and a certain area
  • Spacing ceiling mounted speaker strobes through common areas and corridors meeting code required spacing and visibility
  • Making sure all outlets within a 3' radius of sinks are GFCI type
  • Laying out conference room receptacle layouts to comply to new NEC code requirements
These tasks will be the primary focus of the project. I would also like to automate the following convenience tasks:
  • Adding room tags in a newly created view
  • Tag receptacles and lights with circuit tags
  • Add plus designation to all receptacles modelled above the standard mounting height of 1'6"
  • Space Wireless Access Points
  • Layout a typical office layout
I will be creating a one floor basic office model with a handful of offices, open office area, cafe, conference room, corridors, and restrooms. I will then develop the Dynamo script that will handle these routines. It's possible that I will need to split these tasks into two or three separate scripts in order to avoid the Dynamo graph from becoming too cluttered. This will help keep the Dynamo script from crashing which would crash the Revit file. For practical purposes, this/these script(s) need to work smoothly so that they could, in theory, be used on larger projects at design firms. 

I plan on starting by sitting down and putting together pseudo code for each task that will better help me map out and execute the development of the code. Once the pseudo code is developed I can then translate it to actual Dynamo code. I will be documenting and logging my progress as I go including how long it takes me to complete certain tasks as well as including my pseudo code and plans in my report.
Hey Mika,

I think this is a very interesting project design given the climate in the industry and the push to make buildings more sustainable, doing an analysis of the available software would prove to be very beneficial. Especially if it would make designing to LEED that much easier.
Hey Michael,

I'm very interested to see where this project goes and what the finished product looks like. I think that this model could be incredibly beneficial not only from an owner's viewpoint but also from a design viewpoint. This would greatly affect the materials chosen for the building envelope, which mechanical systems are chosen, and where energy consumption can be improved.
Hey Dane,

I was also very interested in this topic and considered looking into it as well. The process seems geared more towards architectural design in that it iterates through different forms, shapes and materials easily, but I wonder how this could be applied to iterating through envelope designs and other engineering elements of building design. I really enjoy the thought of being able to expand and increase the speed of design option development with this process. I'm looking forward to seeing where this project goes. 


Brian Huynh said...

I think it is interesting that you are doing this project in an electrical engineering perspective. Having a co-op in electrical design, this would immensely help the design flow in projects and would allow unnecessary mistakes that are bound to happen.

Isabel Brooks said...

It's so cool that you're looking at this from an electrical perspective; not many people choose to address those systems but they are arguably one of the most important when it comes to systems design and intelligent buildings. Emphasis on code compliance is really great. Speaking from experience as a mechanical engineer manually checking if something is compliant is a tedious task that can arguably waste a lot of time.

Brian Mynaugh said...


Reviewing your proposed term project has me intrigued, and the possibilities Dynamo has to offer. To state outright, I have zero background on how Dynamo is used and only the vaguest idea of what can result from implementing it in a project. However, since we both are in the sam senior design group, do you think to have this experience perhaps a year before now would've abled you to have good enough grasp of Dynamo that you could've used for our senior design? Just seeing the tasks you are attempting t accomplish seems very useful had we the time to implement it sooner. Nonetheless, seeing the final results of both this project and that of our senior design will be exciting.

Spencer K said...


Code compliance and regulations are some of the most frustrating components of the design process. I am interested that you've chosen to focus on life safety and general safety aspects of a design. It is a trade in construction that can pass or fail a project during the permit acquiring phase. With very clear guidelines and checklists for this aspect of design, it makes sense to code a program to check for those regulations rather than going through them by hand. I am excited to see the end results of this attempt to automate a critical part of project design.