Tuesday, February 4, 2020

BP - 4 - Final Project

For the final project Mike and I are going to look at how BIM is used in the field, specifically looking at the contractor and engineer relationship with each other and BIM. We are going to look at how BIM is being used right now and how contractors and engineers have historically communicated. We are then going to look at the effect that BIM has already had on the construction industry such as contractors now being able to access everything from their phones.
We will state the question “how can engineers and contractors better use the tools they have now?”, which will look at the benefits that could come from this. These benefits include but are not limited to improving efficiency in design and construction which would lead to a faster schedule, lower cost, and most likely a more defined, simplified communication method. On this same topic we will look at what other software exists that could be used that might not be an industry standard and look at how implementing it would affect the above stated factors. This could include planning software, modeling software, performance analysis software and collaboration and integration of these different types of software.
We will then compare these new ideas to the current standards and look at whether or not they are feasible ideas. We will look at why the current BIM is not being used to its fullest potential and the training required to utilize these tools at an optimal capacity. We will further discuss the risks of implementing new software as well as the challenges that may come with it.
Finally, we will project to the future and what the future of the relationship between engineer and contractors will look like and how they will use BIM to communicate better. This will be a combination of what new tools can be used as well as which current tools can be used at a higher level to increase productivity.

Steven, (link)
This seems like a very useful project and it seems to combine both your personal goals and the goals of this class. Also choosing something that you want to learn more about outside of Revit is a good idea. For the first assignment I found it very useful to learn how to create a family.

Cory, (link)
Your project is extremely interesting and I look forward to seeing the examples you present. Earlier on in the class I read an article talking about how 3d printers might be used to prefab buildings. It would be cool to see an example of this if one exists.

Douha, (link)
This is a very relevant topic and I remember reading an article about a contest in which students competed to develop a 3d structure that could withstand the atmosphere of mars. I think the possibilities are endless.

1 comment:

Spencer K said...


I am very excited to see what you and Mike come up with for this project. I have used BIM as a general contractor, owner's rep, and designer and have seen first hand which features are most useful to which users. I am interested to see the research that the two of you come up with and see if it matches my personal experience.