Friday, February 7, 2020

B5: Relational Database

Relational database is a set of tables that are connected with relations such as one to many relations. These tables carry data or values. The tables consist of tuples which are the rows and attributes which are the columns. Each table represents one entity. For example, a database for a shipping company; if we created two tables one for truck information and the other one for shipment information, truck and shipment are two separate entities. These tables consist of primary keys and foreign keys. A primary key should be unique or null like a truck number or a shipment ID. To connect tables together, we need to recall our primary keys to be foreign keys in the other table or in a new separated table that connect our original tables. Then tie these tables by relations such as many to many or one to many. One too many means each truck can carry one or many shipments (as shown in the figure below). Another example, each student can register for one or many courses. The “many” relation can be either (minimum zero and maximum many) or (minimum one and maximum many). It sounds confusing, but it is really easy and could be easier when we work on it in class. These tables could be modeled using Oracle or as Structured Query Language (SQL) statements using MYSQL.

Database is everywhere. You use it every day. It is really important not only for construction firms but for all companies to manage their businesses. We as students need it to register for our courses. When students go to Drexel's page and register, they are actually using the database that has been formed by professionals. These databases consist of tables that have the student's, instructor's, course information like student's name, student ID, course name, CRN, instructor's name, instructor's name.

Also for other companies, it could sort products according to your statement choice of SQL. For example, sort by quantities. Moreover, regarding employees, it can sort their salaries by values like >1000 dollars.  

I.Song. Assigment 1. INFO 210. 2019. Drexel University

You are right! Database is very important for every business including construction firms. It helps to manage the work in the companies between the parties. I mean between the owner, the employees and the clients. It actually holds all the information and records. I liked how you mentioned papers because I don't imagine a construction firm full of papers not only the construction paperwork, but also other general forms. It would need some space.

Thank you for your post! Although I had a slight background about SQL and I read more about it for our assignment, but your post added more to my knowledge. I didn't know that data could split into two categories. What I understood that professionals can make some changes in their data without affecting the original one that is being used until they run these changes, am I right?

I haven't heard of NoSQL nor Hadoop. That is interesting because I thought all the examples you mentioned are SQL database.

You hooked me with your title! At first, I was wondering how could database be useful in designing, but after reading your post, you gave me a good idea of how. You are right! Database could sort materials and fixtures according to the categories you apply. This is all because of SQL. Every post I read had the word SQL in it which means as you said the importance and the power of it.


Ina Sison said...

Sometimes I am not aware that we use databases almost every day. I like how you mentioned that the Drexel Term Master Schedule is a database that we are all familiar with. This database collects and groups data based on relations, such as the course name, CRN, instructor, etc. as you explained. This shows that databases make our lives easier.

Pritesh said...

Relational databases are ubiquitous or otherwise, data would be just data with no links between the other. I like the example that you bring up and relationship with SQL.

Abdul said...

You did an excellent job of showing how we use databases every day. You really reshaped how I understand databases and now I view them through a broader lens. Additionally, I loved reading about your example of students using databases for classes because I was instantly able to connect with the example and it helped me understand the concept more accurately.

Andrew Norris said...

You made relational databases easy for me to understand as someone who doesn't have a lot of experience with it. The Drexel example helped point out how important these are for us in our daily use.

Mika Awai said...


It was interesting to learn more in depth what a relational database is, as I researched SQL and they go hand in hand together. I understood that when broken down it is essentially rows and columns working together. The class registration was a good example of this type of database and how we use them more than we are aware of.

Brian Huynh said...


This definitely helped me understand my research on SQL a lot more since SQL is used to pull data from relational databases. Databases are everywhere in our life and we use it for many different things and you came up with great examples.

Stephen Pettit said...


I found your post very interesting, and thought you did a great job explaining in more depth about a relational database. The image made it more clear as well. Another interesting thing you brought up is the registration process at Drexel. Never realized that was considered a database. Also after researching SQL it makes more sense how it can be used to extract data from a relational database. All of the information in the tables can be extracted and modified from SQL, and this cleared it up for me.

cory said...


I liked your use of examples to illustrate the importance of the relationships between data sets. I feel as the established relationships are the most important thing to consider when using a program like SQL and thus take the most thought to avoid things like loops and incongruities.

Larisa Parshakova said...

It is an interesting post about the relational databases. I like that you added a little figure to represent the way the tables are connected it made the narrative more understandable.
It is very true that databases are everywhere. It is quite interesting how they found there way in our life and most of the time people are not even aware of their existence. And sorting function is very helpful. I buy a lot of things online and sorting through the selection help to find the right objects.