Saturday, February 8, 2020

B5: Object Oriented Databases

Object-oriented databases (OODB) are a means of identifying components of a system as objects and classes in order to store data and perform tasks or functions. The ability of objects to be defined and referenced later as one unit is different from other database features. As someone with limited knowledge regarding databases, I found an example of the theory behind OODBs very helpful. Object oriented databases are similar to a car engine when it comes down to basic principles of function. There are several components that are identified individually with specific functions that, once machined into one object, are then known and function as an engine. The article I read goes on to talk about a basic database example: how a vertical and horizontal line oriented perpendicularly with a set grading scale are then known as a graph and can serve the new functions of analyzing and organizing data.

Although it is said that this type of database programming is difficult to learn, especially for beginners or those unfamiliar with coding, OODB provide several important advantages that can greatly impact our field. OODBs are persistent, resilient, and secure, which make storing data easier and safer. Typical relational databases store data in rows and columns that need to be continuously stored, converted, and loaded in order to assign data, and thus function, to program objects. OODB allow for data to be persistently stored so that this repetitive process is eliminated.  I think the biggest impact OODB have on our industry is that it allows for a more seamless sharing and integration of information. Because of how object data is stored, different operating systems, coding languages, BIM programs, and AI technologies can be used by various trades and people involved on a project without the worry of incompatibility. Thus, its shown that object-oriented databases aid in interoperability, the ability of data and information exchange between various systems. This would have a direct impact on file and model sharing between architects and engineers, for example, because it eliminates any lack of coordination on the technological side to ensure the project can run as smoothly as possible.


I really enjoyed the quote you included and how you summarized your post because it really brought light to the fact that how databases are used and information is stored is up to the specific company and is based on its needs, as well as the needs of the users. Like you mentioned, SQL can be formidable for simpler tasks, but with the advancements being made for different programs and websites, a means of processing more complex data might be necessary.

I agree that databases can benefit the construction field in a multitude of ways throughout the design and maintenance portions of the project. Efficiently and effectively storing drawings and mark ups throughout the design process allows for clarity in terms of possible change orders and RFIs, while proper up keeping of these drawings makes maintenance much easier.

I enjoyed hearing about the differences between SQL and NoSQL database management systems, and why SQL might be the preferred system. I think a lot of times, people think that the more complex of the options will be the most suitable, but, as you mentioned, SQLs have more advantages than NoSQL, such as its integration with other coding languages like you mentioned.


Brian Huynh said...


I think object oriented databases would definitely play a role in our industry. Due to an object based database, the information that is being shared throughout the teams would be easily filtered or manipulated to portray/show what they want.

Michael Manley said...

I liked your thought on OOD and how you were able to make the ideas understandable to those who haven't been exposed to them before. Your analogy with the car gave a very realistic example of how to think of what a class is and how each class has different properties to it. The use of classes within databases and programming also adds another layer of organization to the system.

Madeleine Walker-Elders said...

Hi Amanda,

I enjoyed your perspective on object-oriented databases, I didn't know anything about them before so it was a very helpful explanation. I have had some exposure to relational databases at work but never have had to know about OOD. There is a need when considering how people in the AEC industry use information, for a database that does more than relating tables, but must be directly associated with objects in order to have actual meaning.

Dane Bell said...

What a great idea, I am hoping that this practice could come into the field soon but this technology could just be sequestered to mechanical engineering. I'm not saying that it would be difficult to transfer to civil and architectural but at this very moment, few people in the field can code databases. Although I do see this type of OODB coming into reality very soon.

Elvira-Marie Mikhael said...


From someone who has never heard of Object-oriented databases, you really broke this concept down well. It seems much more complicated than general databases, which at their simplest form are just spreadsheets, but more worthwhile, especially from a saving and sharing standpoint. It makes sense that OODBs aid on the interoperability front.