Sunday, February 2, 2020

B4: Term Paper

Robotics in Dubai and Philadelphia

My project will be on current and future robotics in the construction and architectural industries I specifically am focused on the recent advancements made by Dubai and intend to relate that to the current and future state of robotics in Philadelphia.

I intend to discuss what the most tedious and labor-intensive jobs that robotics can improve. Currently, other industries have revolutionized production and efficiency through the use of robotics and these same methods, ideas and robotics can be used to improve the construction and architecture industries. Not only will the rate at which projects will be finished will increase, but the precise, and integrity of the building will improve. Robotics will unlock designs that humans and current machines are unable to achieve due to natural limitations and risks that robotics will not endure.
Currently, Dubai is not only the leader in architecture but is the leader in robotics for that industry. This is where I will focus my research. This is what I intend the bulk of my paper to be about: 


·       What jobs and tasks will their robotics mainly be achieving? 
o   Drones, surveying droids, robotic arms, concrete cutters
o    Five, ten, 50-year vision for construction
·       Exploring the new limits of architecture 
o   Examining plans robotics have already played large roles in
o   Current plans that REQUIRE robotics in order to be built
·       Positive and negative effects of robotics (Briefly but worth examining)
o   Increase efficiency, preciseness, and new limits as previously discussed
o   Economical
o   Creates technician and engineering jobs, decreases labor jobs
o   Questions about accountability if something goes wrong

I am arguing that intelligent buildings will require robotics in order to be state of the art and meet the demands of clients. I will look at the current state, and projects for 5, 10 and even 50 years of robotics in this industry.  I will emphasize the benefits but acknowledge possible detriments to implementing robotics.
I have already been able to find research on Dubia and their progress and plans. I think it will be more difficult to find current robotics that is on the level of Dubai's in Philadelphia or anywhere in the US. I will research the leading firms in the area and see if they refer to their role in implementing robotics as well as search the Evernote page for related articles.

I think you have a great approach to your paper by starting with the definition and laying out exactly what you mean when you say green or sustainable building. Classification is important because people may have a slightly different interpretation or expectation, like we all did when defining intelligent buildings. I too start my paper off by making it clear what the definitions of the main topics of my paper are.

I too am writing my paper on robotics in the construction industry. I like the focus of your paper is the evolution of the construction process and how robots being implemented can change that. I narrowed my down by focusing mainly on the current and future progress of Dubai and how they have and plan to have more robotics than anyone else in this industry specifically. I am sure you will end up seeing a lot of material from Dubai since they are the front runners in this right now.

This is a topic I have been thinking about since the start of this class. Basically, the big question I have had is when will AI take over design jobs like architecture. I watched a quick video years ago on a computer program the used high definition cameras and lasers to analyze how famous painters used their colors, and brush strokes and initially could identify reals from fakes. Then with more computing software and robotic, they could tell the robot to paint something that a certain famous painter would have done and it will create a painting of a face, for example, the exact way this particular artist would have done it to the exact brushstroke technique. Basically, If you could not date the paint and boarder you would not be able to tell if it was an authentic Van Gogh or not. This is similar by giving the parameters and letting the computer decide what is best which is scary.


Dane Bell said...

Very interesting topic, I am very interested in the technology movements toward making construction easier and safer. I hope that Philadelphia isn't too far behind Dubai in the realm of robotics in construction but I fear that is a conclusion that you will reach. Also, I wonder if you should look into how many jobs could be replaced because everyone knows that people hate losing their jobs and that could be a huge problem for americans as a whole,good luck though.

Manon Flamini said...


This is a really interesting topic, and I think it is a great spin to compare robotics between Philadelphia and Dubai. I agree with the fact that Dubai is one of the leaders in architecture and construction, so it'll be interesting to see how far is Philadelphia from reaching this. I was also intrigued by one point you mentioned, which was what are designs that would only be possible with robots. I look forward to hearing the examples you find and the end results of your paper.

Reece Masucci said...


Your topic interests me because I am particularly fascinated with architecture and construction located in Dubai. It is definitely on my bucket list to visit this city and study some of the structures there. I did not know that Dubai was not only the leader of architecture, but now the leader in robotics for the industry.

Madeleine Walker-Elders said...


I like that you have decided to write a persuasive paper for this project. I think that there is a lot to be said for the pros of using robotics in the AEC industry but to make a compelling case as to why not having this equipment may be a serious detriment is something that I haven't heard before! I think that this project will be an interesting glance into how some areas are leveraging this technology well like in Dubai, and in places like the US, we are slower to adopt this because we don't see just how beneficial the use of robots could be.

Varsha Ajith said...


As my group will be writing a similar paper in support of including robotics in construction I think there will be a lot in common that we'll be learning about, and more for us to learn from each other's papers. Although I grew up in Dubai, I was not aware that they are the current leaders in robotics for the building industry. I think that there is a lot of potential for this topic, and hopefully some ideas that can even translate to the the industry in Philadelphia.

Stephen Pettit said...


I find this topic very interesting. This topic intrigued me because I used to have family that lived in Dubai, and I am aware that they are great in the building industry. I am excited to see how far Philadelphia is from the advancements of Dubai, and how both areas can improve in their current advances. It might be a good idea to consider the current issues with what both areas are dealing with, and how they are planning to overcome those issues. Also, I am interested to see what kind of job openings will be available in those areas in the future of robotics, drones, etc.

Abdul said...

I appreciate that you are taking your approach globally and looking at not just the United States but also other countries and their cities like Dubai. As a UAE citizen living in Dubai, I am curious to see if you find that the pros for intelligent building and robotic assistance outweigh the cons.

Douha Alqudaihi said...

Your topic hooked me! Maybe because you are interested in Philadelphia’s future which the place we live and we are concerned about its future. In addition, I am from one of the Arabian Gulf countries and mentioning Dubai makes me attracted to what you will write about. Dubai is well-known for its developments and technology in all fields including construction. I’m also planning to make a research about 3D printing and Dubai one of the countries that started using this technique for their projects.

I agree that robotics may help a lot, but what do you think the future challenges are related to IB? What are some risks that robotics will not endure?

Good luck with your project!