Monday, February 3, 2020

B4 - Stephen Pettit - Project - Revit Families

For the term project, I will be designing two Revit families of mechanical equipment. I have decided to design an automatic pump packaged unit, and a rooftop unit. The equipment chosen has many components, and would give me good experience with developing Revit families. I have chosen this project because I know this exercise will benefit me in my career. At my co-op company, they design their own Revit families to their standards. I have not had experience in that part of Revit, and I believe that this project would strengthen my Revit skills. Revit is used frequently at work, and I want to be able to be proficient enough that I stick out at my company. Revit is starting to get more popular at my company, and there is a handful of people that are proficient with it. I want to be able to expand my skills to make myself more versatile in my career.

I chose the pump package unit and the RTU because I am somewhat familiar with them. I often run into those equipment throughout my projects. My goal is to create detailed enough Revit families that have adjustable parameters that suits different needs. Another one of my goals is to learn more about the equipment in detail, and the equipment operates. In addition to the Revit families, I will create a general building, and insert the equipment inside the building.


Modular building construction is a great idea. The construction industry is getting more involved with prefabricated elements. I definitely think you should talk about how they would transport elements such as a whole room or whatever aspect you touch on. Transportation is important in my opinion, and that is why I think that robotics and construction is starting to become a building option.

I really like your project idea. I have no experience with Kaggle, but I like the idea of creating a model that will determine future outcomes based off past outcomes. I am excited to see how your project turns out because it something that is very important in the building industry. Characteristics such as loads, temperatures, and other weather measurements are crucial for project accuracy. I agree as well with your statement with how building owners will have a better idea with energy consumption on renovation projects.

I find this topic very interesting. This topic intrigued me because I used to have family that lived in Dubai, and I am aware that they are great in the building industry. I am excited to see how far Philadelphia is from the advancements of Dubai, and how both areas can improve in their current advances. It might be a good idea to consider the current issues with what both areas are dealing with, and how they are planning to overcome those issues. Also, I am interested to see what kind of job openings will be available in those areas in the future of robotics, drones, etc.


Brian Huynh said...

I think your goal for this project is great and makes a lot of sense. Taking advantage of this project to further your knowledge and experience in Revit would definitely make you stand out and be much more of a valued employee.

Andrew Norris said...

This seems like a very useful project and it seems to combine both your personal goals and the goals of this class. Also choosing something that you want to learn more about outside of Revit is a good idea. For the first assignment I found it very useful to learn how to create a family.