Sunday, February 2, 2020

B4: Project Description

Mika, Brian, and I decided to research different types of BIM software and programs that can aid in producing sustainable and green building designs. We also plan on discussing the direct impact these tools have on the various people involved on a project, such as owners, facility managers, and the different trades. Firstly, the definitions of sustainability and green were determined in order to better understand how BIM can be used to achieve these types of designs. It can be argued that the two terms are the synonymous or have differences when it comes to building design. As a team, we decided that green falls under the larger category of sustainable, which is essentially the desire to lower the demands a building places on the environment. This can be done through several means, such as lowering a building’s energy usage, designing a carbon neutral structure, installing systems that conserve water, and improving indoor air quality. By monitoring these various aspects of the building throughout its life cycle, as well as making changes to the equipment and materials used that impact sustainability, different criteria, such as cost and time, can be greatly impacted.

There are various BIM software that can monitor and recommend changes to the equipment and materials, such as the HVAC system servicing the building and types of glass and wall constructions, being used for a specific project. In order to better understand the capabilities and specialties of different programs and plug-ins and refrain from analyzing a very broad topic, we decided to analyze the results produced by three different programs for one common building. These programs are Revit Insight, eQUEST, and Autodesk Green Building Studio. Each of these interfaces have various capabilities with the common goal of designing a sustainable building by helping provide multiple layers of analysis for the different people involved on the project, such as the architects and engineers. Throughout our analysis, we plan on discussing which programs would be better suited for various needs and trades, as well as what type of inputs, outputs, and recommendations each interface can suggest when it comes to making decisions that impact the overall design process. In addition to these points, we would like to tie everything together by discussing the intentions of LEED certification, what that rating system means, and how it can affect the building owner and facilities managers specifically, as it impacts energy usage, materials, and the equipment being used and maintained throughout the building’s life cycle.


I really enjoyed reading about your topic. Although I personally have never seen robots work on site, I think the there is definitely the potential for them to grow as a more common tool in our field. I also liked how you are going to talk about the pros and cons to the argument, especially because acknowledging the opposing side can strength yours. I’m excited to hear about the examples you’ll encounter in research, like the drone video where they built a bridge, and how you think technology will advance in the future of our field.

I think your topic is really interesting! I’m not really familiar with the concept of generative design, but it sounds like there are so many possibilities to explore in terms of new design ideas. Inspiration can come from anywhere, like you mentioned in regards to new design materials and current events that change design, and I think this type of design method mixed with the technology we have and will continue to develop in the future and will allow for so many different ideas and exploration of varying materials, aesthetics, and solutions to issues.  


I think it’s really important and interesting that you plan on discussing the advantages and disadvantages in order to strengthen your side of the argument for in AI is something that can ultimately benefit our fields. I personally think it’s such a great advancement, especially given the points you discussed, such as reducing human errors and increasing accuracy. However, there are always going to be negatives to these positives, and I think the major one would be trying to figure out how to have humans work harmoniously with robots in order to combat the issue of unemployment and allow for both the people with experience and the robots that can achieve what humans can’t to help in different types of engineering projects. I’m excited to see how the project turns out!


Pritesh said...

There are many BIM software on the market. However, there are differences between them. I look forward to knowing them. I do have much knowledge besides Revit so it would be interesting to see what the other players have to offer.

Abdul said...


Your project seems very detailed and interesting. I am excited that you are planning on discussing LEED certification and putting in the effort to complete that kind of accomplishment. Additionally, I found it interesting and helpful that you differentiated between different “green” words like “green” versus environmentally friendly, etc. Your project seems great, so keep it up.

Jake Hall said...

I think you have a great approach to your paper by starting with the definition and laying out exactly what you mean when you say green or sustainable building. Classification is important because people may have a slightly different interpretation or expectation, like we all did when defining intelligent buildings. I too start my paper off by making it clear what the definitions of the main topics of my paper are.

Ina Sison said...


I think your topic will be very interesting to write about since it is directly related to intelligent buildings. The knowledge you gain from this assignment can be very valuable when you start working for an engineering firm because you will be able to suggest the use of these software to improve their work. Teaching more people how to use these software will encourage more sustainable designs since it is very easy to analyze the performance of a building using BIM. I look forward to seeing what your group discovers about this topic!

Dane Bell said...

I hope that there is a good way to put all these programs together, the guest speaker may be of some help to you because she was very knowledgeable about the different workings of all the programs. I would like to see more robots on construction sites for the sake of efficiency but like you, I have never seen it in real life. I wonder when it will be the norm. Also, I wonder how you will be able to put all the pieces of the green infrastructure into one place.