Tuesday, February 4, 2020

B4 - Liam Ossenfort - The Future of Artificial Intelligence

After creating the outline for my paper, I am getting excited to begin my research. The basis of my research will be on the future of Artificial Intelligence. Starting off I will be discussing what Artificial Intelligence is and what current views society has on the technology. Following the introduction, I will be looking at all the current advantages and disadvantages that come with Artificial Intelligence today as well as the ways it is being utilized both within and outside of the engineering community. After the research on Artificial Intelligence today I plan to go in depth on several potential, future aspects of Artificial Intelligence. I would like to research when Artificial Intelligence will make a breakthrough and attempt to set my own timeline, what audience will be the primary target for future implementations of Artificial Intelligence, meaning will it target the general public or be prioritized for enterprise use, and lastly I would like to touch on who my pioneer the Artificial Intelligence field (Google, Microsoft, etc.). I plan to go over similar criteria for the future as I did for the present, so potential advantages and disadvantages for future Artificial Intelligence technologies, followed by a discussion on how Artificial Intelligence may be utilized by people both within and outside the engineering community. My conclusion will display how Artificial Intelligence will affect our everyday lives as citizens and whether the benefits of this technology will outweigh the risks it could potentially hold.

Comments to others:

Isabel Brooks
Isabel, I like how you chose a topic so closely related to the course. You seem to have a good sense of what you are going to research since you have already begun the process of finding articles on your subject matters. Breaking your research into the three separate technologies you plan to explore will make for an easier organization process, I look forward to reading more of your work!

Andre Morris
Andre, I enjoy any project regarding automation. Your outline for the project seems clear and concise, and you seem to have an understanding on how the scripting must be executed; that was a concern I was having when reading through your desired deliverables was the organization of the scripts you need to complete this task, but you have everything planned out well and I am excited to follow your progress.

Cory Christopher
Cory, I have read about this before and it is a very interesting topic. I personally see many advantages to modular construction, but I am not too knowledgeable in the field of construction. I am curious as to if whatever downfalls it may have will outweigh the benefits of this method, I will have to follow up on your blogs to get more information!

1 comment:

Larisa Parshakova said...

Artificial Intelligence is a fascinating topic. Generations after generations were intrigued by the idea and wrote a lot of novels and created other art projects devoted to it. And now we are living during the time that were predicted by them.
I like that your post seems well structure like you are going from point to point that you are trying to make in your project. It will be interesting to see the timeline you come up with and the primary users you will identify.