Sunday, February 2, 2020

B4 - Project Description - AI in Construction

Artificial Intelligence(AI) is the capacity of a computer program to learn and think. Everything can be viewed as Artificial intelligence if it includes a program accomplishing something that we would ordinarily think would depend on the insight of a human. The team (Brian Mynaugh, Alejandro Ochoa, and I) will discuss the different advantages and disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence in construction.
One advantage of AI the team will be discussed is that it decreases human error. The expression "human error" was conceived in light of the fact that people commit errors every once in a while. Computers, be that as it may, don't commit these errors if they are programmed properly. With Artificial intelligence, the choices are taken from the recently assembled data applying certain arrangements of calculations. So errors are diminished and the possibility of reaching accuracy with a more high level of precision is a possibility. Another advantage of AI is that it faces risks instead of humans. This is one of the greatest advantages of Artificial intelligence. We can conquer numerous risky limitations of humans by building up an AI Robot which thus can do the dangerous/risky things for us. AI Robots can be used in situations where human intervention can be hazardous. The last major advantage of AI that we will discuss is that it helps with big data in construction. When an enormous amount of data and information is being created each day, AI Systems are presented to perpetual data of information to gain from and improve each day. Each job site turns into a potential data source for AI. Data and information produced from pictures captured from cell phones, drone videos, security sensors, building information modeling (BIM), and others have become a pool of data. However, AI also comes with disadvantages. One disadvantage is the high cost. Keeping up a robot can be incredibly expensive as they are extremely unpredictable machines that require huge costs to repair and keep up. They have software programs that need upgrading up to date to have the option to accomplish the necessities of the continually evolving condition. AI is updating each day the equipment and programming need to get updated with time to meet the most recent requirements. Another disadvantage is that AI is limited to certain work. Computer-based intelligence machines are modified to carry out specific responsibilities depending on what they are programmed and customized to do. Depending on machines to adjust to new conditions, be creative and think out of the box will be a huge mistake. This is impossible because their thinking zone is limited to just the information/calculations that they have been programmed for. Artificial Intelligence is the key to improving efficiency for construction. By harnessing the powers of the advantages of AI, the construction industry can decrease human error, protect humans, and deal with big data. Of course, AI comes with its own disadvantages; however, being proactive about the research and development necessary for AI to succeed will create a feasible future for this technology in construction. 

Source"Artificial Intelligence In Building And Construction". Azati.Ai, 2020,


Jake Hall:
I appreciate that you are taking your approach globally and looking at not just the United States but also other countries and their cities like Dubai. As a UAE citizen living in Dubai,  I am curious to see if you find that the pros for intelligent building and robotic assistance outweigh the cons.  

Pritesh :
I am excited to see your project become finished. From what I read, it seems like you all have thought carefully about the process and tools you will be using. Additionally, it is exciting to hear that you wanted to be environmentally conscious in your construction. Looking forward to the result of your hard work as a group.

Amanda Kolar:
Your project seems very detailed and interesting. I am excited that you are planning on discussing LEED certification and putting in the effort to complete that kind of accomplishment. Additionally, I found it interesting and helpful that you differentiated between different “green” words like “green” versus environmentally friendly, etc. Your project seems great, so keep it up.

Varsha Ajith:

It is important and also interesting that you will be discussing the various different types of robots and how they relate back to construction. I value that incorporated that into your project/paper design because it allows your work to be more reader-friendly and understandable. I also appreciate that you discuss various definitions of Intelligent Building and other words.


Amanda Kolar said...

I think it’s really important and interesting that you plan on discussing the advantages and disadvantages in order to strengthen your side of the argument for in AI is something that can ultimately benefit our fields. I personally think it’s such a great advancement, especially given the points you discussed, such as reducing human errors and increasing accuracy. However, there are always going to be negatives to these positives, and I think the major one would be trying to figure out how to have humans work harmoniously with robots in order to combat the issue of unemployment and allow for both the people with experience and the robots that can achieve what humans can’t to help in different types of engineering projects. I’m excited to see how the project turns out!

Michael Manley said...

I thought this was a very good introduction to some of the advantages and disadvantages of AI. You are correct in saying AI has successfully decreased human error across a variety of fields. Artificial intelligence can simultaneously keep far more variables in memory than the human mind can and learning can be simulated much quicker than the way in which we learn. This is fantastic for solving complex logic puzzles quickly.

Varsha Ajith said...


Your group's project sounds very interesting! I believe that Revit as a virtual building software has a lot of interesting functionalities to make a detailed model and connect it back to your ideas on how to make it intelligent. Being new to Revit, I hope that your group is able to learn a lot from the first hand experience of creating a model from scratch and building its construction documents.