Tuesday, February 11, 2020

B5 - The Use of Databases in Construction Firms

The construction industry is arguably an industry of ideas and information, especially in this digital age. Past the point of idea formation, those ideas are then translated into information stored in models and schedules and that is what becomes the main commodity for the majority of the project. The client is essentially buying the information and ideas from architects and engineers. That information is then in the hands of the contractor doing the work, and that is when it all becomes tangible. This conversion is crucial to the efficiency and cost effectiveness of a project. Because of this, a construction firms work revolves around the data held within and extracted from the models they receive. In order to properly store, access, and manage this data, firms have to use databases. As discussed in the article I read for this post, tactics like data warehousing can be used for decision making purposes. Likewise databases can be used for tracking and predicting accurate project scheduling and avoiding large costly project delays. Furthermore, databases can be used to house and present information about each component of the building in a visually appealing manner to the client. This then becomes a perk or service of a construction firm to sell. Databases play a very crucial role in the industry and in this day and age provide the backbone to the work these firms conduct.


I read through this article too so it was interesting to hear your take on it. The planning, coordinating, and organizational aspects that databases present firms like this is by far the most beneficial aspect in my opinion. I think you also bring up some interesting points of the different type of databases and how the different ways they are accessed can be helpful lin different ways.


I like your ideas about using a language that's universal especially given the amount of coordination that has to go into an industry like this. That is definitely a very crucial aspect to highlight.


I appreciate how you brought the topic into your own experiences and made it something more tangible. RElating this to work we've done definitely helped create a better understanding of the topic.

B5 - Databases x Construction

Databases are systems that can store large quantities of information in a singular place, or more formally, a collection of information which is easily accessible and organized, managed and kept up to date. Databases are already utilized in some way, shape, or form in the construction industry, even if they aren’t specifically termed “Databases.” As with any industry or any company, all information must be stored, whether it be past projects, industry contacts, cost data, or even plan templates. This of course was done with physical copies of this data, where large, full size plans were kept and notes were taken for the next designer or engineer to use for reference. However, as technology advances, the way information is stored must develop as well.

The information stored in databases can most easily be organized like a spreadsheet, with rows and columns that have the ability to hold various types and quantities of data, while still being updatable. Each database is useful to and for different people and things, and within a construction company, there can be many applications. For instance, construction companies can have internal databases, where past project information (such as plans, coordination, notes), company information (such as policies, agendas, employee info), and presentation information (such as templates, letterheads, procedures) can be stored. Construction companies will also deal with external databases, where current and future project information, vendor lists, and product specifications can be stored.

Storing data like these in databases is helpful from an organizational standpoint. The user knows what they need and what database to search in. Often, database results can be queried or filtered to make finding the information required even easier. Databases are even more valuable because of the ability to put the database online. External databases can be accessed by anyone at any time, even have multiple users at once, because it is open to the public. Internal company databases may not be open to the public, but are most often than not put on the cloud, that is, internet based data storage. This means that a database does not need to be downloaded onto one’s personal computer or onto a flash drive to be saved or stored. This makes sharing and access either between companies or within a company extremely simple.



With today's technology and the pace at which we are moving, I think it would be really difficult to get anywhere as a design firm without integrating the use of databases. I like how you tied collaboration and databases together, what would the point be if all this stored information could not be shared? Also, your Augmented Reality example is something that makes complete sense, but I would have never thought that the components that go into AR are themselves databases. Goes to show how applicable and essential databases truly are.


From someone who has never heard of Object-oriented databases, you really broke this concept down well. It seems much more complicated than general databases, which at their simplest form are just spreadsheets, but more worthwhile, especially from a saving and sharing standpoint. It makes sense that OODBs aid on the interoperability front.


I have never heard of SQL or NoSQL before, so I appreciate the concise way that you broke the two down. From my understanding, the only benefit to using NoSQL is that it is better at handling large data sizes. Is there ever a time where you would use NoSQL for a basic database, or is it simply more beneficial to stick with SQL because it is easier to learn and apply? It seems like not only is SQL really valuable in data management, but also as a general skill that can be applied to various fields.

B5- Uses of databases in design offices. 

There is an expression that states that knowledge is strength. And it has been the truth for centuries. However, in modern world the expression should be a little bit different "Data is Strength". 

Databases have a very wide application in the modern world. With the spread of the internet the need for structuring and sorting of new data erupt. There were always databases that consisted of different tables that could be cross referenced. Though modern technology made it possible to create data structures with virtual referencing that make it easier to access and use.

Design nowadays highly depends on computers. They not only provide useful software but also help to provide useful information about new trends and development of the industry. However, one of the most important features of the modern software is access to wide range of databases. All the information is being grouped and classified. Anything starting from different kinds of concrete to different type of light fixtures. Not only modern designers can base their project on using existing available products but also give their project a real life feel.

The proper software with proper database can either enhance the design or ruin it. All the projects start with an idea. Something that somebody thought of. A lot of times it starts with a piece of paper and then travels to a display. Having access to right information and right tools to use that information can help to build the project up from that original idea, adding to it. Using data collected such rain accumulation, weather patterns, seismic activity, wind strength and etc. can help to choose the right materials and even change the final look of the project.


To Michael Manley:

I enjoyed reading your post, it is well structured and makes some good points. I liked that your pointed out how much can be done with “big data” and how hard it is to find reliable space for it. I just wanted to point out another disadvantage of having large databases is navigation. Creating and putting together, cataloging large amounts of information is not an easy task. The way the information is out together directly influence on the way it is accessed. And if it is not done correctly some of the information might be unused. 

To Brian Huynh:

Your post is very informative. I haven’t dealt with database languages before and to be frank did not know that such a thing existed. It is very fascinating that with the development of a bigger data structure there are ways to ease communications within them and make extraction of the information less complicated. However, it is good to know that SQL deals with only relational databases, that’s quite a limitation. 

To Douha Alqudaihi:

It is an interesting post about the relational databases. I like that you added a little figure to represent the way the tables are connected it made the narrative more understandable.
 It is very true that databases are everywhere. It is quite interesting how they found there way in our life and most of the time people are not even aware of their existence. And sorting function is very helpful. I buy a lot of things online and sorting through the selection help to find the right objects.

B5 - Databases in Construction Firms

A database is a collection of data organized on a computer in an easily understandable way. We use databases without even realizing it. The construction industry has lots of data that needs organized. So, using a database makes lots of sense.

What kind of data might a construction firm organize? First, they'd probably organize the different jobs they have at any given moment. Then, each job's specifics would need organized, like what materials are to be used, what employees are assigned each job, where each job is located, and more. By putting all of this information into a computer, the data is easily retrievable.

An organized construction firm can take on more projects and thus earn more money. Plus, I've always found that being organized and feeling organized clears my mind of burdens I didn't know it had. I become more productive.

The term database might make organizing data seem like a daunting task, but really, simply organizing things in an Excel spreadsheet is technically a database. Plus, once the database is set up, it becomes easier to quickly add little bits of data to keep the database up to date.

Construction firms can benefit greatly from using databases if they aren't already. It will keep them more organized and allow them to take on more projects. Plus, it could help allocate resources better. Being organized is never a bad thing.


I never thought of using databases for design. I've always seen them as an organizational tool for after the design process. Using them for automation makes a lot of sense. This saves time later.


I have never heard of SQL before. I also don't know much about databases. It's neat that there is a programming language that is made specifically for database information retrieval. There is a lot we take for granted when it comes to databases and how they make our lives better and easier, without evening realizing it.


I have never considered augmented reality as an aspect of databases, let alone for the design phase of a building. Using AR in the design phase would make visualization so much easier for clients. It would stop miscommunications in their tracks. With the rate of technological advances, I'd expect to see AR used frequently in the industry sooner rather than later. This would be a huge advance for an industry that's so behind the curve.

B5 - Object-Oriented Databases - Michael Sciarra

Object-Oriented Databases, or OODB, are defined as a type of database used to represent data with objects and classes, where “objects” are defined as real world entities and “classes” are a specific grouping of objects based on similar traits. Object oriented database models are founded on the union of object-oriented programming and relational database features. The objects in object-oriented databases have special identifiers which are either dependent on their state, which is essentially the objects properties that define specific facts about the object, or their behavior, which pertains to more methods that define what the object does as opposed to simply what it is. A class may be an accumulation of objects with similar identifiers that may be methods or properties. 

Objects can be divided into simple objects and complex objects. Simple objects are very minimal, usually only consisting of simple integers and characters. Complex characters formed by a complex string of simple objects. There is another type of objects referred to as persistent and normal objects. Persistent objects can exist even after a project is executed through being stored in a computer’s memory while normal objects will disappear after execution. 

Object-Oriented Databases have a few special features that make them more convenient. Some of these features are Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Association. Encapsulation is a feature that allows the programmer to hide unnecessary information from the user that is not important to them, but is important to the object itself. Inheritance is an interesting feature that appears to be a sub-class essentially where the object in a class can inherit the properties or behaviors of its primary class. Association is another feature involved in the connecting of classes. With association, two classes can be related by similarly linked circumstances, and then identified by a unifying label. These features further aid in making Object-Oriented Databases a more organized classification and storage system.

Source: https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-an-object-oriented-database.html

I appreciated your general overview of databases as it gave me a good understanding of the concept before starting my own post. The use of this system over the Web would make it highly desirable. From experience, students will always take the cheaper option, and this is evident with sketchup which is often only used in the free web format among students. This is even further reinforced with your comment on the programs accessibility on smart phones in addition to laptops and desktops.

I think your overview of the applications of databases in construction firms is very hefty, having covered a lot of ground. Upon reading your post it made me question whether or not it would be appropriate to store construction materials themselves into a database. Knowing how strenuous it is to find specific information for materials in the current structures class this would be super efficient and applicable to object-oriented databases as you could possibly organize by specific steel sizes and divide them into smaller sub-classes by similar widths or flange size, etc.

The use of Augmented Reality to compare virtual elements with existing site features was very intriguing. This application really highlights the power of databases. I feel this can really help designers visualize any differences between a theoretical model and the actual site, differences that would go unnoticed otherwise and cause problems farther down the road.

B5 - Liam Ossenfort

After reading the article “Amazon Aurora – Relational Database Built for the Cloud – AWS,” I learned about Amazon Aurora and all its functionality. Amazon Aurora is a relational database compatible with both MySQL and PostgreSQL, built for cloud-based services. This service combines the availability and performance of a high-end commercial databases with simplicity and open source, cost effective databases. The service can handle up to sixty-four TeraBytes per database, growing up until this limit as more storage is needed, this is a substantial amount of space and can fit the needs of most, if not all occupational needs. Aurora can be five times more efficient than MySQL and up to three times faster compared to PostgreSQL, making this a perfect product for various industries, including design office environments. Utilizing speeds that Aurora provides can allow designers to access numerous files for projects with no concerns.

Along with the incredible functionality of this service, Aurora provides security and reliability at a fraction of the cost compared to other cloud-based databases; Aurora contains several levels of security for involved databases, including network isolation, encryption keys, and encryption of data transmitted using SSL. Not only is each Aurora instance encrypted, but also all underlying storage and backups. Regarding reliability, Amazon Aurora provides fault-tolerant and self- healing storage solutions built directly into its cloud service, replicating six copies of the user’s data across three separate Availability Zones. In the case that a failure does occur, the data is transparently recovered in less than thirty seconds. Due to the performance and reliability of this product, use within the design field shows very beneficial in aiding progression of the company, by utilizing something as functionally sound as Amazon Aurora the work environment can greatly increase in efficiency.

Comments to others

Cory, I enjoy your emphasis on automation. With databases becoming more accessible due to cloud storage along with increasing speeds, once automation is perfected, projects will be able to practically complete themselves.

Brian Mynaugh
Brian, that is what were all here for, to learn! I think you gave a very useful explanation on the manner. I have no prior knowledge to the subject either, but this provided me with information that I can use in the upcoming Project/Assignment. I believe working effectively with databases can be greatly beneficial as I continue advancing in my field of study.

Isabel Brooks
Isabel, I am glad to read something focusing on SQL. I always have interest in learning new programming languages, and I believe SQL is a very useful language to learn. Almost, if not all corporations seek engineers who are proficient in SQL due to the many reasons you have listed, so with the information shared in your description I am excited to look into learning it for myself!

Databases in Design

The use of databases as design tools is becoming increasingly commonplace with design professionals due to their time saving and organizational benefits. Databases save time for design professionals, particularly when they're automatically generated, one way they do this is by generating index-able lists of materials for quantity take-offs for things such as hardware, fixtures, or mechanical components. In the design process, databases also save time by storing data that can be accessed and used by a computer in the background to ensure users know about clashes in such things as geometry or code. The possibility of all of these things hinges on the effective use of databases to hold this data in an effective manner where it can be indexed quickly by various programs. This leads me to the importance and power of SQL, a popular database manipulation coding language. Since SQL is a universal coding language, its use can be folded into the operations of a plethora of other programs to increase their abilities, thus saving the design professional time and allowing them to create a superior product.


I agree with you that SQL is an excellent coding language when it comes to working with relational databases. I am in Info 210 right now, a class about databases and for our project, my group and I are making a relational database that will aid students in obtaining PDF copies of text books based on their student ID numbers and School. The project is very dependent on relationships between databases and our work has been made much easier because of SQL.


I think your description of SQL as a program is excellent. SQL is an excellent tool for creating, indexing, and modifying databases. I also agree that its status as a universal language makes it all the more valuable because of how easily it can be integrated into other languages. furthermore, i agree with your sentiment that since it is so useful, it is a very marketable skill and that will only increase as time moves on, especially in the design industry.


I liked your use of examples to illustrate the importance of the relationships between data sets. I feel as the established relationships are the most important thing to consider when using a program like SQL and thus take the most thought to avoid things like loops and incongruities.

B5-Relational Database Mynaugh

So here we are, Blog post number 5, and as a part of Group A, we have to explore what Relational Database Theory. Just a forewarning before reading up on the subject, I had no background knowledge of databases(but hey, that's why we're here). So like what many others have said, a database is a collection of information that can be accessed freely and updated over time. Now focussing on Relational databases, it takes the stored information and puts them in categories or tables that then put relations between them according to their attributes. The times I've used something similar was in my construction management classes when coming up with a work breakdown structure. This is fed by collecting data from certain aspects of each task. This includes resources, time, location, and responsibility. So if I were pouring foundations for a gymnasium going by a Relational Database method by connecting the aspects that are needed to complete the task. Firstly I would first identify who is completing (ie, what subtractor) then determine when that work will be done and how long it'll stake. From there on i can see what other tasks are related to this work being completed and how that would affect my scheduling. I guess in other words of saying relational databases in a way are in a way how the information gathered is organized by means on the effect of the data to other information. 


Hey Stephen,

I've found your blog to very inciteful perhaps this is due to my lack of background with databases, not to mention Structured Query Language. Now, as you stated that this a type of coding that companies use to find data rapidly, I can see why companies slike amazon and Facebook value people who are well versed in its use. I can't say if ever I'll be using it, but its good to know that it is relatively easy to pick up.

Hey Reece,

All the points you picked out as to why this is relevant to construction were talking points for my CMGT 467 class that I take Wednesday nights. The most important one that stood out to me is that of Job responsibility. From my estimating job, it was crucial to find subcontractors quickly by having them sorted by their appropriate fields. Having a way to sort through hundreds of subs was greatly mitigated by able to sort for the trade I wanted.

Hey Madeleine,

Reading over your blog helped me connect the dots and spurred my interest in how design firms need to have a well-managed database.
Just thinking of how much time will be saved in seeing how projects of the relatively same scope can be designed if you had success in the past. Also, connecting your blog to construction was a nice tie in on how both design and construction rely the quick access of information to deliver quality content in a timely manner.

B5 - Relational Database Theory Basics

A database is simply a series of tables that contain data. Within the series of tables, mathematical operations connect data to each other and record attributes and characteristics about that data. These attributes and characteristics are what connects data and help the database identify relationships. Databases are used in all disciplines: business, STEAM, agriculture, and more all utilize databases to perform more efficiently and store past data. Google is one of the most widely-known examples of a database, however the company does not publicly publish how large their database is.

Relational database theory states that these data tables are split up into sets of tuples (aka relations) and attributes. Each row in a matrix of data represents a tuple and each column represents the attributes. How a database organizes its tuples and attributes is called the database schema. Scripts can be written to only allow valid entries into certain tuple/attribute locations. For example, if the tuple was “animal” and the attribute was “mammal”, an entry of “banana” would not be valid in that data entry space. These scripts are called keys, and there are many different kinds of keys that can exist in a database that function slightly differently from each other.

In addition to keys, databases can have scripts that function between tables and perform operations that results in notifications. For example, if certain values of a database change to a given range, this may result in a warning output or update. These scripts are also what helps secure database editing and can make certain tables password protected, read only, or confidential.

Searches within a database are called queries. Queries use Standard Query Language (SQL) syntax to perform searches between tables and relations. Some of these operations include projection, selection, and join. Projection isolates a set of data entries based on specified attributes of the tuples. An example of this would be samples of concrete sorted by their mass, compressive strength, tensile strength, and water-to-cement ratios. Projection isolates only the necessary data called by the query. Selection is similar to projection, but it isolates certain tuples identified by a certain characteristic (for example, a list of US Senators that have served at least 1 previous term). Join is a function that combines two similar sets of tuples into another table. An example would be fast food restaurant locations and their list of managers.

Data farms are a fast-growing subsection of the construction industry because of their increasing demand. The ability to efficiently (and securely) search for data maximizes productivity and will continue to be the case in the future as we rely more and more upon historical data.

Reference: Rosenberg, B. (2007). Relational Databases. Retrieved from http://www.cs.miami.edu/home/burt/learning/Csc598.073/notes/reldb.html


I am not a coder myself, so I found this brief synopsis of what SQL is and where it came from to be very useful. While I don’t understand the ins and outs of coding, I do recognize the importance of being able to store, retrieve, and analyze data efficiently and securely. Thanks for the info!
(Link to post)

Last co-op I worked for a General Contractor who mainly relied on those “old-school” record keeping techniques (I liked to call it “death by spreadsheet”). We had decades of information about contractors, owners, past projects, estimating tools, and others, but no truly efficient way to share that information among coworkers or new hires. This siloed many of the people into a certain job responsibility (ex. MEP estimates, casino jobs, $25mil+ jobs, etc) and made the operation very inefficient. I would like to be one of the advocates for company-wide databases of information of all kinds that can be used as a valuable training tool for employees. I agree wholeheartedly with when you talked about mutual benefits from shared information and hope to see more of that moving forward in my career.
(Link to post)

Thank you for your analogy for OODBs, it made understanding how they work incredibly easy for someone who does not have very much experience with coding databases. I wonder how difficult it is to repair incomplete or inaccurate databases; for example, if inheritances and extensibilities are used from a parent database that has wrong information, what would the process be to repair these databases? Is it automatic or would the data scientist have to start the new databases from scratch? Thanks for your post!
(Link to post)

Brooks B5: SQL - What is it and why is it important?

SQL or Structured Query Language originated in IBM in the 1970s. IBM had created a new database software called System R, and they designed SQL (originally “SEQUEL”) to manage the information stored in System R. [1] Simply put, SQL is a programming language that is used to access and manipulate the data stored in databases. SQL has the power to populate,modify or delete information in tables, as well as modify the structure of the database itself. [2,3] There are five main elements within the SQL programming language: clauses, expressions, predicates, queries and statements. Clauses are a part of the statements and queries, which control transactions or retrieve data respectively. Predicates specify conditions, and expressions will produce scalar values or tables. Varying combinations of these commands are necessary for use in database management systems. [1] The American National Standard Institute (ANSI) and the International Standards Organization (ISO) have both deemed SQL as the standard language in relational database communication. Many companies will choose to purchase software with SQL already built into it, such as MySQL a software produced by Oracle. MySQL is often used in conjunction with other web programming languages like Python, and can therefore be applied in a myriad of ways. [2]

SQL is used to manage information stored in a variety of databases, which effectively can be found almost everywhere these days. For this reason among many learning to use and understand SQL is very important. Using SQL allows a data scientist to first understand what exactly they’re looking at. Knowing what the data is about, how its structured etc. is imperative for proper data manipulation and to actually get helpful information out of that data. Additionally, SQL is necessary for the management and manipulation of large datasets. Companies like Amazon are collecting, storing and analyzing millions of data points every day. Without SQL a task as large as that would be arguably impossible. Big companies collect data for ad placements, market research, stock information and a variety of other things.  The sheer amount of data collected is huge, and without proper analysis the information that comes from that is useless. [4]

Works Cited
[1] “Web Hosting Services, VPS Servers and Domain Names by NTC Hosting.” NTC Hosting, www.ntchosting.com/encyclopedia/databases/structured-query-language/.
[2] Brooks, Chad. “What Is SQL?” Business News Daily, Businessnewsdaily.com, 22 Jan. 2014, www.businessnewsdaily.com/5804-what-is-sql.html.
[3] “What Is SQL?” Database Directory, www.databasedir.com/what-is-sql/.
[4] Onyango, Francis. “5 Reasons Every Aspiring Data Scientist Must Learn SQL.” Medium, Analytics Vidhya, 1 July 2019, medium.com/analytics-vidhya/5-reasons-every-aspiring-data-scientist-must-learn-sql-2bab007a8d76.



You did a good job highlighting not only the importance of databases in the construction industry, but also for AEC productivity in general. Information is power is this industry, and I agree that although hard copy record-keeping is still popular amongst contractors efficiency could be greatly improved with a more digital approach.

Madeleine: https://ae-410-510-ay19-20.blogspot.com/2020/02/b5-walker-elders-databases-in-design.html

I never associated Augmented Reality applications with a need for databases, but after reading your post that actually makes so much sense! There's a lot of data to be interpreted and stored in such an application and it is imperative that there is a database to help organize the process.Though I agree that collaboration tools in the construction industry would be helpful, I do think that getting people to want to learn and use them could be tricky. Great post!

Manon: https://ae-410-510-ay19-20.blogspot.com/2020/02/b-5-relational-database-theory.html

This post was very informative! I personally was tasked with writing specifically about SQL, and found it very helpful to read your post about the specifics regarding the actual database contents. I didn't realize there were so many different qualifications associated with one piece of data within a table and your post did a good job explaining that.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Stephen Pettit - B5 - What is SQL?

What is SQL?

SQL is a computer programming language that is connected to informational databases. SQL stands for Structured Query Language. A database is a tool that basically stores any kind of information you input.[3] SQL extracts and organizes information that is listed inside a database. SQL is one of the most popular coding softwares that competes with Java, C++,  Python. SQL is able to handle a tremendous amount of information[2] It can control millions of data in rows and columns which is very helpful.[2] Some companies are huge, and have databases with what it seems to be infinite amount of information. SQL is very useful in extracting specific information. There is also database management systems that has SQL built into the software. MySQL is one of the most popular engines that uses SQL. MySQL is "generally used on web servers" which makes it a very popular option.

Why is SQL important?

SQL is one of the most desired coding programs from companies. It is a very strong skill to possess, because of how many companies utilize databases.[1] In general though, you are able to find specific data very quickly rather to spending hours, days, months, even years trying to find data. SQL doesn't limit to extracting data, but also allows the user to modify the data, and the combine data from other sources as well.[4] It is also very easy to find a data based job, if you are proficient with SQL. Apparently it is very easy to learn too, because it does not require nearly as much code as other programs. One unique feature that I found is that it can be used on smart phones in addition to laptops, and PCs.[5]           

Work Cited
[1] https://tableplus.com/blog/2018/08/why-sql-is-the-most-important-skill-to-learn.html
[2] https://codingsight.com/structured-query-language-importance-of-learning-sql/
[3] https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/5804-what-is-sql.html
[4] https://blog.stoneriverelearning.com/6-reasons-why-you-should-learn-sql/
[5] https://www.javatpoint.com/dbms-advantage-of-sql




I am not too familiar with databases, but my understanding is that most types of databases are similar to each other. And that the main difference between other databases is how the data is interpreted. Object database seem to be able to paint a better picture for the user. Also, when the database gets more intense, object databases would probably break down the situation more clearly. It would show how sub categories are connected with each other.



I found your post very interesting because I currently work for a MEP form for the mechanical department, and I design ductwork/piping on Revit. Databases will help me in the future when I get more involved in the engineering aspects. Dynamo is a perfect example on how it can extract information from the BIM server Revit to minimize time spent on digging information. For this assignment, I research SQL which is a coding program that is used on databases. The SQL allows you to organize the data in large databases like you described.



I found your post very interesting, and thought you did a great job explaining in more depth about a relational database. The image made it more clear as well. Another interesting thing you brought up is the registration process at Drexel. Never realized that was considered a database. Also after researching SQL it makes more sense how it can be used to extract data from a relational database. All of the information in the tables can be extracted and modified from SQL, and this cleared it up for me.

B5 - Databases in Construction Firms

Databases are widely used in the construction industry by firms for a variety of reasons. The basic definition of a database is a collection of relevant information that is organised and easily manageable and accessible. For a construction firm, this can take several forms such as collections of work done on previous projects, spreadsheets of specifications and vendors, information on subcontractors, and information on upcoming projects in the future. The main reasons for maintaining these databases and using up space to retain so much information is for firms to keep track of specific information on  what is most important to them. A typical firm can be working on as many as 50 projects at a time between all of its designers, engineers and architects. This large inflow of work could mean that the best results are achieved when engineers remain productive. Databases are one important aspect that can support their productivity. By maintaining useful project information, it can be referred to at any time saving the engineers valuable time and money.

Databases are not just useful for productivity. As more databases are being stored on the internet, the data is made accessible to several groups of people including project contractors and subcontractors who can come together to gain mutual benefit from the shared information. This can help minimize collaboration errors and further save materials and money spent on fixing coordination mistakes.

In general, databases have been an integral data-management resource for any firm consisting of multiple employees. Old-school databases like record keeping notebooks move and change slowly but are still relevant for new construction firms. A new employee or intern can refer to the employee database to contact the appropriate person in the office from whom to get advice or answers to questions. Doing so can help the new person develop their professional soft skills while forging connections. In this way, project specific databases and firm specific databases are different but serve similar purposes.

Advances in technology have enabled better configuration and retention of databases that immensely support projects within the scope of a construction firm. With BIM becoming a way to store product information and specs of equipment used in a building setting, it functions as a long-term database that the owners, engineers, and contractors (including everyone in between) can refer to as long as the building stands.

Sources: Hodgson, Lance, et al. “Construction Database: Here's the Databases You Need to Care About.” Sitemate, 26 June 2019, sitemate.com/us/resources/articles/construction/construction-database/. Retrieved: February 10, 2020 (link)


Reece's post: (Link to post)


I agree with all your points. I had also commented in my post that databases provide "an efficient way to communicate and transfer information" which is really important in the setting of construction firm. Not only does it enable the sharing of ideas across to different people, it also helps to save time by having all the necessary info on hand when needed. I feel that when using programs like Revit it is easy to forget that we're constantly benefiting from its structured database, when it is that capability that makes it such a valuable tool.

Jake's post: (Link to post)


You brought up some really interesting and thought-provoking points. Although the beginning of any design/construction process has always been sitting down at the drawing board to generate ideas, the evolution of BIM and its database capabilities have revolutionized that process. Although we still begin at the same principle, we now have the option to make a thorough virtual model with every tiny detail input in it - thereby creating the whole building first virtually, and only then proceeding to physically build it. When weighed against the safety and efficiency guaranteed by the model, the hours spent making the virtual building are worth it.

Brian's post: (Link to post)


You have very concisely explained what SQL means and how it is used. Although databases are often seen as a valuable resource, it can definitely become difficult to navigate some really huge ones that have a lot of information on them. So, I see why it is important to streamline the process of referring to them and using SQL to essentially speak to the database to extract only the  information that is needed.