Thursday, January 30, 2020

B4 - Robotics in Construction

Originally, Varsha, Abigail, and I were going to research the history and future of construction technology. We planned to look into the different types of methods and machines that improved the quality, speed, and safety of the construction process. However, we realized that this was too broad of a topic for this type of assignment. After some discussion, we were able to narrow down our topic to just researching the use of robotics in construction. Our research would then allow us to develop an opinion on this topic. We chose this topic because we were intrigued by the robotics videos that were shown in class a few weeks ago. I personally have never seen robots used on a site, so I wanted to learn more about how they are used in this industry. This is directly related to BIM and intelligent buildings because robots make designing and constructing buildings faster and easier. In order to form a valid opinion on whether we are for or against the use of robots in construction, we will first research the types of robots that are currently used for construction and how they are utilized. Then, we will look into the advantages and disadvantages of using robots for construction purposes. Since we were all interested in robots, we were automatically in favor of construction robots. Our thesis declares that we are for robotics in construction, but the challenge of this report will be convincing the reader that the pros outweigh the cons. The fear of robots taking over the world can repel some people from using robots to build structures, but a compromise can be achieved with a better understanding of these machines. Robots can do all the heavy lifting and tedious tasks while humans focus on the more important design and construction decisions. Many people do not want robots to replace the human workforce all together but we strongly believe that humans and robots can work harmoniously to produce high quality work. From this assignment, I hope to gain more knowledge on how robots can make our lives easier, specifically on construction sites. 

I think your topic is super interesting since I do not know much about generative design. I think there is much to discuss about this topic, which will allow you to write a detailed paper. I like how you are relating the topic back to architecture and intelligent buildings because it will allow architects and engineers to create more out-of-the-box designs. If more people are trained to use generative design, it could lead to some great discoveries in this industry.

I think your topic will be very interesting to write about since it is directly related to intelligent buildings. The knowledge you gain from this assignment can be very valuable when you start working for an engineering firm because you will be able to suggest the use of these software to improve their work. Teaching more people how to use these software will encourage more sustainable designs since it is very easy to analyze the performance of a building using BIM. I look forward to seeing what your group discovers about this topic!

I applaud you for using this assignment to learn something completely new. Revit is such a powerful tool that has truly taken over this industry, so it is now a necessary skill to have if you pursue a career in building design. I also like how your group will also create construction documents along with your model. I am excited to see what your finished model will look like.


Amanda Kolar said...

I really enjoyed reading about your topic. Although I personally have never seen robots work on site, I think the there is definitely the potential for them to grow as a more common tool in our field. I also liked how you are going to talk about the pros and cons to the argument, especially because acknowledging the opposing side can strength yours. I’m excited to hear about the examples you’ll encounter in research, like the drone video where they built a bridge, and how you think technology will advance in the future of our field.

Michael Manley said...

I really liked your view on having robots automate the tedious heavy work to give humans more freedom. Metal and machinery is far better at lifting heavy things repeatedly without tiring out than us. By letting the robots take care of this labor intensive side we give humans more time to be creative and innovative. Although, this will initially get rid of some jobs I believe it has the ability to create time for more meaningful and enjoyable activities.

Manon Flamini said...


I think your group chose an interesting topic for your paper. I relate to your starting issue of having a broad topic. It was also hard for my group to narrow our topic from additive manufacturing to sustainable materials in additive manufacturing. I look forward to hearing about your findings and how much can robotics get involved in the construction process.

Reece Masucci said...


Your topic is particularly interesting because I am too fascinated at the incorporation of robotics in construction. What comes to my mind is the video of the robotic arm lifting packages and placing them onto the conveyer belt, getting ready for their shipment. I think it is funny though that people are frightened of robots taking over the world, because robots are only as smart as they are programmed to be.