Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Liam Ossenfort B3 - Current Advantages of Revit/BIM

After reading the article titled Revit Parameters Part 1 – Concepts, I familiarized myself further on the advantages of parameters and families within Revit. Parameters represent the “I” in BIM, for it has the ability of storing information that can be scheduled, exported or viewed as properties of an object (height of a door, width of a wall, etc.). Parameters are simply placeholders for data, so they should be appropriately named. Families in Revit include parameters as well, making the generation of different schedules significantly more efficient when compared to traditional CAD software.

Revit’s use of parameter types, both Instance and Type, removes the need to frequently check schedules because of its exceptional coordination. From viewing the Instance parameter of a door within its properties, several values and a mark are unique to that door and that door alone; since each door is automatically assigned a mark on the initial creation of a schedule, Revit allows the user to alter the mark, but will not allow duplicate marks. This is advantageous because it creates an easier layout to follow due to custom (or even utilizing the default) marks. On the other hand, Type parameters are the same for all (in this case) door types.

Revit also has immense Project and Shared parameter capabilities. Project parameters may only be used on a current Revit model or project, but Shared parameters may be stored in a file and can be exploited by many users on many different projects. Although this description entails Shared parameters to be more useful and dynamic, Project parameters are both easier to use and are more efficient for tasks like creating zones for various rooms and generating zone schedules; Project parameters also require far less upkeep and maintenance. Both Project and Shared parameters provide their own sets of advantages, consisting of versatile and robust means to standardize stored data regarding all Revit instances or families.

Comments to Others:

Michael Sciarra
Michael, you raise a valid concern regarding the conversion from 2D modeling to 3D modeling; for any new and innovative technologies there will be a steep learning curve to get a handle on the new software, but that is apparent with the release of any new technology, and is often an expectation when making upgrades to systems. I do see the concern on machines being able to handle new software, but with the current state of hardware components, the majority of "base-line" machines, especially within existing firms and not regarding casual users, can now run high demanding programs due to the power of the technology we can now fabricate, so I would not see this as a primary concern.

Michael Manley
Michael, I could not agree more with the notion that Virtual Reality is going to be the next big implementation of BIM products. The functionality and versatility it could provide in the design and presentation of projects is exciting to think about. With technologies like “Virtual Tours” already being used, adding Virtual Reality to the mix creates even further immersion into various projects. I also enjoyed your discussion on the potential of selling buildings with this feature; utilizing something like Virtual Reality could sway a client into loving a project more than if just a simulation is presented on the computer.

Madeleine Walker-Elders
Madeleine, after completing Assignment One I experienced 3D building modeling for the first time, and it was advantageous compared to regular 2D modeling; utilizing various views aided me in seeing where I was heading with my project. I enjoyed how you incorporated an environmental factor into its benefits, saving paper on sites and progressing on completely digitizing documentation and data. Although digitizing all necessary documentation seems like a flawless solution, something to account for with this is the technology required to access this data as Dr. Fiori had also mentioned, for if there is an issue with the technology various issues may arise with viewing the needed data.

1 comment:

Andre Morris said...

Hey Liam,

I enjoyed reading your post because one of the things I always found super interesting about Revit was its use of parameters and how the software organizes them. They allow for a lot of control in different ways between changing something that is an instance parameter versus something that is a type parameter. And getting a better understanding between the two has helped me immensely in my work flow.