Thursday, January 9, 2020

Michael Manley Introduction

Hello, my name is Michael Manley and I am a fourth year student studying computer engineering. I have almost no experience with building design but I have moderate experience working with applications of data. From this class I hope to further increase my ability to work with applications of data specific to intelligent buildings. More specifically, I hope to increase my ability to build systems within buildings capable of managing energy more efficiently.

I completed my Evernote search on the tag 'sociology'. This tag returned several interesting articles but the article I found most interesting was titled "True AI is both logically possible and utterly implausible." In this article the author disagreed with large tech gurus such as Elon Musk and Bill Gates by stating that there is little need to be afraid of advancements in AI. He supported his point by claiming that just because something can theoretically happen, doesn't mean there is any considerable probability that it will. Although I disagreed with the author, I found his viewpoint and the viewpoints of others in the article very interesting.

My initial definition of intelligent building:

Building capable of learning from its environment and making decisions based off of data without human input. 

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