Tuesday, January 14, 2020


This article discusses the idea that more building systems will become integrated with BIM, particularly a building's HVAC system. This article purposes the idea that it will soon become standard for a building to understand when it expects to be occupied and can adjust the climate of the building in anticipation of becoming occupied. The benefit of this would be huge in terms of energy savings as currently many people just leave their heat or AC on all day so their home is comfortable as they arrive home at the end of the day or because they simply do not think about it.


Sensors are an integral part of almost any automated system and that holds especially true for intelligent building systems. Take for example the smart home capable of adjusting the temperature within that was just described, the home would be incapable of doing this if information about the current conditions within the home was available to it. That is where sensors come in, to provide the decision making entity with this information. Sensors are becoming more attainable as well as they drop in price, become more accurate, get smaller, and even become able to power themselves using energy siphoned from their environments.


I am a firm believer that humanity should be very careful when exploring the realm of artificial intelligence. If humanity is capable of creating an entity whose intelligence exceeds that of the creator, it would stand to reason that it would then be possible to create an entity of its own of even greater intelligence. This, to me, sounds like a slippery slope as such an intelligence would have access to the sum total of human knowledge via the internet and might be uncontrollable.

Hello Maddie

I personally feel that the invention of AI is particularly scary. If humanity is capable of creating an intelligence greater than that of its creator then it would stand to reason that the intelligence would then be capable of creating an intelligence that exceeds it, leading to each iteration of the AI being smarter and smarter. Furthermore I feel that there is no way to predict how the AI will behave. Furthermore, leading smart people have spoken about the potential dangers of AI. I do think the technology is "neat" but ultimately I would lobby for caution when creating an intelligence that has access to the sum total of human knowledge as it might seek things that are not to the benefit of humanity.

I agree with your statement in your future section that more analytics type tasks will be taken over by computers as they can be programmed with the sum total of human knowledge and are therefor less likely to make a mistake in identifying cancer or noticing a trend. Another reason I agree is that people are by nature unreliable, where as machines do not have off days or hurry up because they want to get off work and go to the bar and therefor produce substandard results.


I too am particularly fascinated by the idea of using robots in construction. one major advantage that you neglected to mention is the cost benefit of robots in construction. as time has progressed, labor has replaced materials as the largest expense for contractors. Robots would have a huge impact on curbing this trend and the more robots are used, the cheaper buildings will be in the future.

1 comment:

Pritesh said...

Cory, I agree with you on AI. Anything more capable than human intelligence a topic that should start with trepidation. The creation of general AI can be devastating. If human input goals that are not beneficial to us, in the end, it could end up hurting us. Also on a further note, people who argue that we could turn it off using a switch is an illusion.