Thursday, January 30, 2020

Bell Blog 4-Project Information

Our project will be based on generative design which is a topic that has come up multiple times in class but we do not believe that it was explained to its full extent because it is much deeper than previously stated. We are planning on doing a written report that analyzes the wonders of generative design. Essentially, we are going to research and compile the processes in which generative design exercise and how it will be beneficial to be used in the future. In general, this form of design, also called parametric design operates as such; a computer program is given a list of constraint (parameters) and with those constraints it creates designs that fit the parameters to any level in order to accomplish the goal set out. For example, if a chair needed to be designed, it only needs to do a few things, give the program those few parameters and it will generate designs that no person has ever thought of and can be made because of 3D printing. We chose this topic because from our perspective, this is very cool that a computer can solve problems in ways never before thought of and because computers don’t have knowledge of manufacturing, it will create any design, feasible or not. This idea of generative design fits in with intelligent buildings because it can be used on a microscale, such as in furniture but also in a macroscale. Architecture could be wholly reinvented because of this new modelling process, and there are some projects already underway that utilize generative design. If we look to trends, they are often created due to future technology, when the lunar landing was going to occur in 1969, the cars of the era were reminiscent of space ships, or when polyester was invented, suddenly everything was made of polyester. This kind of community wide or worldwide upheaval could come from this new process of design which could be used in buildings and applied to everything engineering.
Looking at other groups there is a very large amount of differentiation between topics, which should be very interesting. I am personally excited to see where my project fits in with other peoples project because this coarse can be very broad but sort of all come together. I am happy that it doesn’t look like our project will have much overlap although I believe they will inevitably.

Very interesting topic, I am very interested in the technology movements toward making construction easier and safer. I hope that Philadelphia isn't too far behind Dubai in the realm of robotics in construction, but I fear that is a conclusion that you will reach. Also, I wonder if you should investigate how many jobs could be replaced because everyone knows that people hate losing their jobs and that could be a huge problem for Americans as a whole, good luck though.

I like your topic but do want to know if you will be designing the landscape around the building or if you're only doing the structural and innards. This project could prove to be very hard if there are many moving parts. Because I am a novice in Revit, I am excited to see what kind of designs can be created and how intelligent building coincides with Revit and see the functions that synthesize the program and idea.

I hope that there is a good way to put all these programs together, the guest speaker may be of some help to you because she was very knowledgeable about the different workings of all the programs. I would like to see more robots on construction sites for the sake of efficiency but like you, I have never seen it in real life. I wonder when it will be the norm. Also, I wonder how you will be able to put all the pieces of the green infrastructure into one place.


Ina Sison said...

I think your topic is super interesting since I do not know much about generative design. I think there is much to discuss about this topic, which will allow you to write a detailed paper. I like how you are relating the topic back to architecture and intelligent buildings because it will allow architects and engineers to create more out-of-the-box designs. If more people are trained to use generative design, it could lead to some great discoveries in this industry.

Amanda Kolar said...

I think your topic is really interesting! I’m not really familiar with the concept of generative design, but it sounds like there are so many possibilities to explore in terms of new design ideas. Inspiration can come from anywhere, like you mentioned in regards to new design materials and current events that change design, and I think this type of design method mixed with the technology we have and will continue to develop in the future and will allow for so many different ideas and exploration of varying materials, aesthetics, and solutions to issues.

Pritesh said...

I look forward to your project. Generative design is something that I'm not familiar with. From the way you describe, in my opinion, the efficiency of structures will skyrocket. It's just absurd that no one has been utilizing this technology to the mass scale. I do not have many recommendations however do keep project untestable to someone who isn't an expert.

Jake Hall said...

This is a topic I have been thinking about since the start of this class. Basically, the big question I have had is when will AI take over design jobs like architecture. I watched a quick video years ago on a computer program the used high definition cameras and lasers to analyze how famous painters used their colors, and brush strokes and initially could identify reals from fakes. Then with more computing software and robotic, they could tell the robot to paint something that a certain famous painter would have done and it will create a painting of a face, for example, the exact way this particular artist would have done it to the exact brushstroke technique. Basically, If you could not date the paint and boarder you would not be able to tell if it was an authentic Van Gogh or not. This is similar by giving the parameters and letting the computer decide what is best which is scary.

Manon Flamini said...


This is a great topic for your paper. I agree with you that is hasn't been covered in depth in class, so I am happy that your group decided to research this. I look forward to hear your conclusion on how generative design will impact architecture and whether this is the future of design. I am also interested what are the pushback that this type of design would have to overcome in order to be adapted.

Madeleine Walker-Elders said...


I think generative design is a great topic, as it is one that we do not know a ton about. I think that there is so much more to come in the next 20 years of generative design as far as engineering buildings are concerned. Programs like RAM are just one step away from being able to completely design a structural system by itself, with little to no input from a human at all. I wonder what the safety implications for this type of generative design would be in AEC moving forward?

Andre Morris said...

Hey Dane,

I was also very interested in this topic and considered looking into it as well. The process seems geared more towards architectural design in that it iterates through different forms, shapes and materials easily, but I wonder how this could be applied to iterating through envelope designs and other engineering elements of building design. I really enjoy the thought of being able to expand and increase the speed of design option development with this process. I'm looking forward to seeing where this project goes.