Thursday, January 23, 2020

B3 - The Possible Future Advantages Of Revit/BIM - Abdul

Building Information Modeling (BIM) has become an essential piece of any design project by encouraging more brilliant, faster, more grounded structures that bode well while reducing environmental impact. Revit/BIM can help with design and visualization and with recreation and construction. The software enables teams to cooperate, enhance, and interact with customers in beneficial manners. 
Building Information Modeling (BIM) offers the advantage of time and cost savings for buildings and structures.

Some possible future advantages of Revit/BIM are:

Improving Energy Efficiency and Sustainability
BIM significantly affects expanding proficiency during the design and construction periods of a project. A construction project designed with BIM assists subcontractors with recognizing areas for energy improvement and utilization all through the structure. Utilizing BIM energy examination in these circumstances improves energy effectiveness and diminish material waste, and making a progressively feasible environment.

Faster Project Completion
It will require less time for us to design a building. This means you can begin the construction process earlier. In addition, the design is a database that adjusts after some time and is utilized to settle on increasingly informed choices in the design process.

More Detailed Visualization Tools
Architects can see the structure in fundamental 3D measurements like height, width, and depth. However, BIM additionally empowers us to see a structure dependent on the extent that it will take to finish every component 4D and the amount it will cost at each stage 5D

BIM Dimensions 

Allowing engineers and architects to experiment with innovative workplace design. 
One of the greatest advantage of Revit/BIM in the future to engineers and architects is collaboration. It empowers between designers, owners, and builders.
BIM will accomplish something other than offering architects a look at the structure's physical features. It's a mutual information asset where architects and collaborators can store the entirety of their thoughts, ideas, and make complex estimations on the fly. Future architects will be utilizing this work process to design superior buildings that are effective and forward-thinking.

Higher Quality Results
Since significant structures are documented and calculated by an advanced process, there's improved quality in the plan and design process. Contractors will see where each component needs to go all together for the structure to work at top productivity and at peak efficiency.

Empowering Safety
It becomes evident that BIM can empower safety on-site during the construction project. It gives the capacity to foresee and prevent dangerous circumstances even from the design stage. The limits that BIM offers are practically perpetual and hence, contributing to this cutting edge innovation can just benefit the future of construction.

The future of Revit/BIM includes utilizing the model at all phases to improve collaboration. Indeed, the true future of BIM includes getting progressively out of the start to finish utilization of the model by improving general correspondence and overall communication.

source: "The Future Of BIM". Autodesk University, 2020,


Jake Hall: 
I think your last paragraph is super important because simulating energy efficiency is going to become increasingly important in future years in regards to creating structures that are capable of reacting properly to climate change. energy efficiency is one of the most interesting burgeoning topics in our field so it's important you brought it up.

Spencer K: 
You discuss the future of BIM solutions. What would you specifically like to see added to the functionality of BIM? I like that you brought up the future because it is important for us to look forward in this field.

Ina Sison: 
I appreciate that you shared your own issues with us and your own experiences. I also find that syncing schedules are hard adversity to overcome, especially in the ever-changing and chaotic field we find ourselves in. As leaders in this field, we must try to overcome these kinds of issues to create better efficiency.


Ina Sison said...

The ability of BIM to basically centralize collaboration speeds up the design process and produces higher quality results, as you mentioned in you post. Instead of having regular in person team meetings to present work from different trades, BIM software can easily compile the work from every member of the project team for everyone to see. This keeps everyone on the same page during every step of the design process. As collaboration through BIM improves, the faster projects will reach completion.

Mika Awai said...


I believe all of the topics you touched on are important to the future of design. Sustainability is a goal that everyone is working towards achieving, but the two other topics I found interesting/helpful were the detailed visualization and the higher quality results. Being able to see a model in 4D or 5D can help to see any collisions and have a clearer idea of the work that is being produced. This higher quality work is translated into better drawings with accuracy for the contractors, which helps the construction phase, as well as anyone who needs to look at those drawings in the future.

Isabel Brooks said...


All the future advantages of BIM you touched on are so relevant to today and so important to improve on in the future! Energy efficiency and sustainability are such a hot topic in all industries around the world right now. Its important that everyone is doing their part and BIM is a grade way at helping with that. Additionally I like how you highlighted that better collaboration leads to better design. Meetings of the mind can really have everyone at their best, and if architects engineers and construction managers can easily share their thoughts and ideas the sky really is the limit.

Jake Hall said...

That's a cool graphic you used. In the 4D column it brings up modeling the time in simulations of the building, this can include construction sequence of the building. This reminds me of what our speaker on Thursday was saying where the engineers did not know how to properly communicate to the contractors when building. Those tools will allow the engineer to see the limitations of construction when they are designing a building.

Varsha Ajith said...


I appreciate how concise and clear you've made your post. BIM definitely brings a lot of advantages to the construction and design industry. Like Dr. Fiori mentioned, the days of hand drafting, tedious error correction, and depending on the federal mail system to collaborate on work are long behind us, and it really is exciting to be entering the industry when there is such rapid change happening. I wonder how long it will take for industries around to the world to fully adapt to tools like Revit, and where that would take us in terms of affecting national economic growth and international relations.

Brian Mynaugh said...

Hey Abdul,
Your graphics explaining the depth of what BIM can achieve was pretty eye-opening. Seeing that the key points of BIM are its ability to include so many different facets of the project, definitely shows the advantages it has over the standard AutoCAD approach. Now I pose the question that any owners are thinking in which do you think that perhaps these functionalities might be a little overkill and the time invested in it could find one lacking in its returns?