Tuesday, January 21, 2020

B2 - Interoperability - Stephen Pettit

Interoperability is the exchange of data between applications. There are some issues and benefits with interoperability, and it is very important in the engineering, construction, and architecture industry. A lot of times when companies exchange data, it does not exchange correctly due to different programs, company standards, software bugs, or even just the year of the software being used. For example, converting a CAD dwg file to revit would run into problems, because a lot CAD drawings are drafted in 2D, and Revit's drawings are in 3D. Another issue is the interoperability of AutoCAD layers from one company to another. Every company has their own sets of the standards with how they like to create drawings, and how they like to assign layers. I have experience with this problem with my co-op. We will be getting all of the existing conditions from a client, but all of their layers are different from our company's standards which would affect the printing system. My job is always to convert all of the layers to our layers so that it will PDF properly which sometimes can take a long time. One solution in my opinion is to create a layer/properties standard for the industry, so that when companies exchange CAD files, there will be no need to fix the layers, and other parameters. Obviously this would be difficult to enforce, because every company will be reluctant to change all of their standards, and often times when old projects come back, those drawings would still be in the old format. It is an idea worth mentioning, but it would probably be difficult to go through with.

There are three level of requirements for interoperability to function problem. The first level is the external level. This is the "user's view on information exchange requirements". The user needs specific information to generate the data into a model with views, subsets, etc. The second level is the conceptual level. This level is referred to as a logical schema because it requires multiple users to provide the views, subsets, etc. The third level is the internal level which is where the software translates the information between two different systems.

There are also three different exchange methods which can be used depending on the issue. The first method is a direct through an Application Programming Interface between two systems. This is often used with specific softwares, and uses a basic coding system. Direct link is more effective when the companies involved are on the same page. The second method is a file data exchange. This method is used to exchange data through a model file using a proprietary exchange format which is basically a format that is developed from a commercial company to interface with a specific application. Each software has its own file exchange format. Autodesk develops popular exchange formats which is used with Revit, Autocad, etc. The third method is exchange through a model serving database. BIM is the most popular method because it allows automation to correct any interperoability issues.

File exchange method is quickly transitioning to BIM exchange because of a various of reasons. This method cannot determine who made the changes on a model. If an employee changes something on a CAD file, a project manager would not be able to tell who made the changes. One important issue is synchronization. Multiple people cannot work on the file at the same time, which would cause synchronization issues. BIM, however, have developed a sufficient synchronization system that allows multiple parties to access the model at the same time, as well as see changes throughout the development of the model. "Synchronization also addresses all the coordination issues among the different systems, including spatial clashes, intersystem connections, and load transfers between systems". 

In conclusion, Interoperability is very important in the building industry. Understanding this idea is important because we will be dealing with these issues in our career. I already run into these issues, and understanding this idea will help me more when these issues occur. I may be able to distinguish what issue we are running into whenever we receive a file from another company. Interoperability is also very beneficial because it allows you to communicate better with your clients and other employees. When interoperability is used correctly, projects will run more proficiently as well.

Works Cited

Eastman, Chuck, et al. BIM Handbook : A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Designers, Engineers, Contractors, and Facility Managers, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2018.




I enjoyed learning about all of the various BIM modeling softwares. I have worked with Revit, and ArchiCAD in my previous co-ops and both softwares are very useful. Between the those two, Revit is more useful in my opinion, but Archicad is very similar to Revit. Revit is convenient in which it turns all of the objects to 3D which is very useful. I enjoyed learning that there are servers that are beneficial for certain applications. For example, Tekla structures is interesting because it focuses on the fabrications, and is useful for the structural industry. You did a good job breaking down the different types of BIM servers.



I thought your statement about financial risk was accurate and interesting. I work in the MEP industry, and when our revit model is accurate early in the design stage, it gives the project manangers, owners, and clients a better idea of where they are at with their budget. Communication is the most important aspect of getting a project done correctly, and on time. I've been in situations where the existing conditions were not communicated properly to us which lead us to inaccurate modeling. I do disagree a little with building's energy consumption being the least of the concern. Especially if the building must be LEED, energy consumption is one of the important aspects of the building design. I agree with your statement that BIM is a very useful tool for all parties involved.



Cost is extremely important, and for the owner is the most important. I agree with you that using BIM gives you a better idea of costs and estimates when it is on plan. For example, when you actually see all of the equipment on plan, you start to double check to make sure if its necessary, or if there is other options that could be implemented into the design that would be more beneficial. These options would just need to be maintained with code. BIM is very useful, and eventually will be used by every building industry company.


Liam Ossenfort said...

Being that I am studying computer engineering, I thought I would have heard of Interoperability. Reading your explanation definitely makes it seem more familiar. I enjoyed that you were able to implement a possible solution for the issue that you encountered yourself.

Elvira-Marie Mikhael said...


Interoperability can get so difficult in the civil engineering industry. I also have come across problems in my co-op where one company sends us files in microstation but we need to convert it to autoCAD for it to run with our programs. Or even in Philadelphia, the CIty often requires submission in AutoCAD, but PennDOT requires submission in microstation. I think that an industry standard is a great idea. If not nationwide, statewide. That would make working on projects a lot easier and would save a lot of time.