Thursday, January 30, 2020

Bell Blog 4-Project Information

Our project will be based on generative design which is a topic that has come up multiple times in class but we do not believe that it was explained to its full extent because it is much deeper than previously stated. We are planning on doing a written report that analyzes the wonders of generative design. Essentially, we are going to research and compile the processes in which generative design exercise and how it will be beneficial to be used in the future. In general, this form of design, also called parametric design operates as such; a computer program is given a list of constraint (parameters) and with those constraints it creates designs that fit the parameters to any level in order to accomplish the goal set out. For example, if a chair needed to be designed, it only needs to do a few things, give the program those few parameters and it will generate designs that no person has ever thought of and can be made because of 3D printing. We chose this topic because from our perspective, this is very cool that a computer can solve problems in ways never before thought of and because computers don’t have knowledge of manufacturing, it will create any design, feasible or not. This idea of generative design fits in with intelligent buildings because it can be used on a microscale, such as in furniture but also in a macroscale. Architecture could be wholly reinvented because of this new modelling process, and there are some projects already underway that utilize generative design. If we look to trends, they are often created due to future technology, when the lunar landing was going to occur in 1969, the cars of the era were reminiscent of space ships, or when polyester was invented, suddenly everything was made of polyester. This kind of community wide or worldwide upheaval could come from this new process of design which could be used in buildings and applied to everything engineering.
Looking at other groups there is a very large amount of differentiation between topics, which should be very interesting. I am personally excited to see where my project fits in with other peoples project because this coarse can be very broad but sort of all come together. I am happy that it doesn’t look like our project will have much overlap although I believe they will inevitably.

Very interesting topic, I am very interested in the technology movements toward making construction easier and safer. I hope that Philadelphia isn't too far behind Dubai in the realm of robotics in construction, but I fear that is a conclusion that you will reach. Also, I wonder if you should investigate how many jobs could be replaced because everyone knows that people hate losing their jobs and that could be a huge problem for Americans as a whole, good luck though.

I like your topic but do want to know if you will be designing the landscape around the building or if you're only doing the structural and innards. This project could prove to be very hard if there are many moving parts. Because I am a novice in Revit, I am excited to see what kind of designs can be created and how intelligent building coincides with Revit and see the functions that synthesize the program and idea.

I hope that there is a good way to put all these programs together, the guest speaker may be of some help to you because she was very knowledgeable about the different workings of all the programs. I would like to see more robots on construction sites for the sake of efficiency but like you, I have never seen it in real life. I wonder when it will be the norm. Also, I wonder how you will be able to put all the pieces of the green infrastructure into one place.

B4 - Robotics in Construction

Originally, Varsha, Abigail, and I were going to research the history and future of construction technology. We planned to look into the different types of methods and machines that improved the quality, speed, and safety of the construction process. However, we realized that this was too broad of a topic for this type of assignment. After some discussion, we were able to narrow down our topic to just researching the use of robotics in construction. Our research would then allow us to develop an opinion on this topic. We chose this topic because we were intrigued by the robotics videos that were shown in class a few weeks ago. I personally have never seen robots used on a site, so I wanted to learn more about how they are used in this industry. This is directly related to BIM and intelligent buildings because robots make designing and constructing buildings faster and easier. In order to form a valid opinion on whether we are for or against the use of robots in construction, we will first research the types of robots that are currently used for construction and how they are utilized. Then, we will look into the advantages and disadvantages of using robots for construction purposes. Since we were all interested in robots, we were automatically in favor of construction robots. Our thesis declares that we are for robotics in construction, but the challenge of this report will be convincing the reader that the pros outweigh the cons. The fear of robots taking over the world can repel some people from using robots to build structures, but a compromise can be achieved with a better understanding of these machines. Robots can do all the heavy lifting and tedious tasks while humans focus on the more important design and construction decisions. Many people do not want robots to replace the human workforce all together but we strongly believe that humans and robots can work harmoniously to produce high quality work. From this assignment, I hope to gain more knowledge on how robots can make our lives easier, specifically on construction sites. 

I think your topic is super interesting since I do not know much about generative design. I think there is much to discuss about this topic, which will allow you to write a detailed paper. I like how you are relating the topic back to architecture and intelligent buildings because it will allow architects and engineers to create more out-of-the-box designs. If more people are trained to use generative design, it could lead to some great discoveries in this industry.

I think your topic will be very interesting to write about since it is directly related to intelligent buildings. The knowledge you gain from this assignment can be very valuable when you start working for an engineering firm because you will be able to suggest the use of these software to improve their work. Teaching more people how to use these software will encourage more sustainable designs since it is very easy to analyze the performance of a building using BIM. I look forward to seeing what your group discovers about this topic!

I applaud you for using this assignment to learn something completely new. Revit is such a powerful tool that has truly taken over this industry, so it is now a necessary skill to have if you pursue a career in building design. I also like how your group will also create construction documents along with your model. I am excited to see what your finished model will look like.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Group D Advantages of Revit/BIM

The main advantages of using BIM/Revit Currently are:

  1. Clash detection. This allows for multiple functions of the building to be seen together before construction to detect any physical construction issues before they occur. 
  2. Simulation capabilities. The model is capable of running analysis of building operations and sustainability studies during the design phase. 
  3. Factors in cost and time in a project
  4. Edit parameters in instances
  5. Excludes repetitive downfalls of CAD software when drafting
  6. Multiple engineering disciplines coming together in one drawing, data complied in single place
  7. the ability to place building on a map to view current site surroundings
  8. Model can detect construction feasibility before the ground is broken
  9. BIM360 allows for open sharing of models, not tied to a specific computer terminal. Saves all iterations of models, to allow for backup of work. 

Group E - Week 4 Discussion

Overall, our group decided that AutoCAD and Sketchup are helpful in producing rough drafts, then ultimately using them as references to create a more comprehensive, polished final product in Revit. That's not to say that this is Revit's only use, though. 3D visualization is vastly helpful. Minute details, such structural member connections, are easier to view in 3D in Revit than in 2D in AutoCAD. Revit makes section cuts easier once the geometry is in place. In summary, Revit combines many of the best features of other drafting programs into a comprehensive 3D modeling software.

Group B - Week 4 In Class Discussion

In our group, we believe that interoperability is a current issue within BIM/Revit. Although Revit was created to resolve this problem, it only helped to a certain extent and more issues arose. It is advancing much faster than people can learn and quite expensive for the licensing and training. Furthermore, the models are not compatible in different Revit versions. For instance, Revit 2019 model will not work in Revit 2018 program. 

Group C - Week 4 Class Discussion

Some possible future advantages of Revit/BIM are:

The future possibilities of BIM are endless, and I don’t think we can ever fully predict what that future might look like but already BIM is helping to improve the transfer of information from all parties involved in the design process. I think BIM will allow everyone to spot interferences earlier in the process and allow for the most economical design possible. As more and more companies dive into the realm of BIM it will become second nature and there will be even more information in one single location that everyone on the project team can access.
Improving Energy Efficiency and Sustainability, BIM significantly affects expanding proficiency during the design and construction periods of a project. A construction project designed with BIM assists subcontractors with recognizing areas for energy improvement and utilization all through the structure. Utilizing BIM energy examination in these circumstances improves energy effectiveness and diminish material waste, and making a progressively feasible environment.
One of the greatest advantages of Revit/BIM in the future to engineers and architects is collaboration. It empowers designers, owners, and builders.
BIM will accomplish something other than offering architects a look at the structure's physical features. It's a mutual information asset where architects and collaborators can store the entirety of their thoughts, ideas, and make complex estimations on the fly. Future architects will be utilizing this work process to design superior buildings that are effective and forward-thinking.

Group A - Future Problems of Revit/BIM

  • Many future problems include extensions of current issues. 
    • Resistance from professionals in the AEC field. Engineers are reluctant to implement BIM tools without proof of concept and execution (trust in self vs trust in data).
    • Fast-changing technology makes it difficult to keep up
    • Lack of incentive from companies to do formal training of new technology (financial burden, investment of time, resistance to change workflows)
    • Worries about accountability of design and execution by giving control over to automated processes and how that affects the public. Also, how does the use of automation inhibit innovation of design? When does making work simple become too simple?
    • Data waste and inefficient use of Revit as a database is a large factor in problems with BIM implementation
    • "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality persists the AEC industry

Revit vs. The World

Revit, in most firms in the country, has become the go to industry standard for construction projects nowadays. In my own professional career I have found myself using it much more often than any other drafting software I’ve had access to. This also is partially due to my specific field. If my field was architecture I might use programs such as Sketchup much more often, but from an electrical engineering drafting perspective Revit is the leading standard. Second to this however, is AutoCAD. Both software is made by Autodesk but while AutoCAD does have 3D design capabilities, Revit is geared more for 3D design whereas Autodesk is geared more for 2D design; specifically in the ACE industry. With both being created by Autodesk, there is a lot of integration between the two software which has provided a lot of people a smooth transition from a CAD workflow to a BIM workflow. Instead of forcing everyone to jump over to Revit overnight, the software includes a lot of great features to link in CAD files for adding things like drawing details that the engineer has used for decades that they don’t want to update and things of the like.
In my experience, I’ve primarily used this integration between the two to import lighting fixture schedules, typically from lighting designers, into Revit projects. A lot of the time, fixture schedules are done in Excel primarily for ease of use purposes and then linked into a CAD file. This avoids having to use AutoCADs horrible table creating process and allows for a cleaner more efficient workflow. And smaller firms, like a lot of lighting design firms are still using AutoCAD to do a lot of their work. Sometimes linking the two can be an aggravating process if not setup or done correctly.
Revit also allows for you to import files from Sketchup, however this is typically done differently than how AutoCAD files are imported. As I mentioned, CAD is primarily 2D related where as Sketchup is a 3D software similar to Revit. Because of this, the two can interface very differently. Especially considering that they were not both made by Autodesk. A lot of people will you Sketchup to assist in family creation due to its ease of use in creating 3D objects compared to Revit. At least in my opinion. But what is also very common is architects using sketchup to do their massing and then exporting it to Revit to assist in the modeling process.
There are a handful of other drafting software like Civil 3D and ArchiCAD that can probably interact with Revit, but I have no experience in this process, just the ones listed above.

Liam Ossenfort
Hey Liam,
I enjoyed reading your post because one of the things I always found super interesting about Revit was its use of parameters and how the software organizes them. They allow for a lot of control in different ways between changing something that is an instance parameter versus something that is a type parameter. And getting a better understanding between the two has helped me immensely in my work flow.

Brian Mynaugh
Hey Brian,

I thought your post was interesting because I agree that this is the most difficult part of what the future has in store for Revit/BIM. I've noticed in the company I work at which is rather large in comparison, is that we even have people refusing to change their workflow and adapt to the new programs simply because they don't want to have to relearn the process. And those that have HAD to adapt either complain constantly or only use it as a 2D drafting software which is not at all what it was made for.
Michael Manley
Hey Michael,
I enjoyed reading this post because it points out some of the amazing uses of BIM in the future. This technology offers a wide range of advantages for how we do work in this industry and it will hopedully make the process much easier and cooled with a lot of the VR simulation based technology.

B3-What are the current advantages of Revit/BIM?
Larisa Parshakova

In the modern architectural, engineering and constructional fields transition from 2D to 3D modeling is fast and inevitable. BIM products are leading the field due to its clear advantages over other products. According to there are 11 main benefits of Revit/BIM products.
·        BIM can “capture reality” by providing great amount of information about possible project sites with the tools like aerial imagery and digital elevation.
·        BIM provides “shared model” tools that grants access to different departments and allows simulations design development.
·        There is a tool that saves different version of the changes made that help in the cases of file corruption and imagery loss.
·        BIM 360 provides cloud access that improves collaboration.
·        BIM has a lot of visualization tools that aid better simulation and help with analysis processes.
·        BIM modeling allows to detect clashes between different infrastructures way before they reach construction site.
·        BIM helps to improve construction processes by coordinating sequences of steps such as picking crew, materials and so on.
·        BIM is able to generate traditional reports and aid drafting process.
·        BIM is a perfect tool to convey the design fully and improve sales pitch.
·        BIM 360 provides access to the model anywhere with the internet access.
·        BIM provides higher efficiency and collaboration by reducing fragmentation.
Even though the article is from the creator of Revit it allows to look at the program as the whole and evaluate possible improvements to one’s design process. BIM is a very useful tool, however, sometimes the software like that can be intimidating due to multiple features that can be beneficial but also can scary away potential users. From the Autodesk prospective it is important to help realize proper education for the future engineers and architects that will promote the use of the program in the field and help to create a net of collaboration.



To Brian Mynaugh:
Your post seemed to bring up some interesting points. I found the point of BIM not being financially fitting for the smaller companies needs the most interesting. A lot of time technology nowadays either cater to the big corporations or to mass users. Which makes sense since everybody wants to be able to hit larger markets. Which leaves the middle size user without proper tools to complete their projects. And Revit/BIM products are unfortunately more feasible for larger companies. 

To Reece Masucci:
I liked your post it was very on point and made some good comparisons between AutoCAD and Revit. It was a good point you made about younger professionals and students being more proficient in Revit than AutoCAD. It the way that it works not only in construction field but in any other field that uses different types of software. In engineering field learning is crucial to development. Introduction of new technology can be revolutionary not only to existence of a single company but to an advancement of industry in general.

To Brian Huyhn:
I like the point that you made about the constantly changing software and technology that a lot of people who work in the construction industry or in architecture firms must learn about by themselves. So, there is no unified knowledge between different companies, and they don’t possess the same information on the software. Since we started sharing information there should be a better way of tutoring staff. And making sure everybody are on the same page.