Tuesday, March 10, 2020

B6 - Reflection

In the beginning of this term, my knowledge on Intelligent buildings and technology was very limited - to the point where I didn't know where to begin if I wanted to study about it further. Taking the AE 510 course has really opened my eyes to the existing technologies and what to expect from them in the future. Now that the term is wrapping up, I feel like I have gained a lot of valuable skills from this course: I learned how to create families on Revit, use MS Access to create databases, and broaden my understanding of cobots through the final project. Moreover, the lectures and guest lecturers have been immensely helpful to me in terms of understanding the current state of BIM and what to keep an eye on in the future. This course was able to condense a wide variety of topics relating to Intelligent Buildings in under 10 weeks while providing room for individual learning.

While declaring my concentration in AE, I was not aware of the extent of opportunities within the Digital Building concentration, and this course definitely helped me to understand that to a greater extent. I can see myself explore those courses offered at Drexel, and even keep an eye out for similar opportunities while on co-op as well. As my primary interest currently is in building systems, I think there is plenty of opportunity there to branch out into a more BIM focused design process which I would have to research further, but the interest for which I owe to this course.

Going into the future, I truly believe that classes concerning new building technologies and professional opportunities students can undertake should be made common since they have a lot of potential in this era. While theoretical science classes are extremely important, understanding the state of the industry is just as important since we have to be prepared for change. And hopefully that will lead to the building and construction industries being more receptive to change while still ensuring the best safety standards.


Liam's Post (Link to Post)

I absolutely agree with you on that this course helped me to learn about so many technologies that I probably wouldn't have learned about on my own. In that way, this course was definitely the most well-rounded course I have taken this term. I'm glad to hear that because of AE410 you can now add new skills to skill set, like Revit and your knowledge on sensors, and that the discussions helped you form your final paper.

Reece's Post (Link to Post)

It is awesome that you will be getting the opportunity to utilize what you learned in class in real-life situations over co-op. I hope that helps you to widen your interests and learn more about this industry in the upcoming years. I agree with you on that this course really brought current technology into the classroom with an extensive perspective, and I learned a lot from it as well. Hopefully as we progress into a more environmentally conscious period, concepts like additive manufacturing will become more commonplace.

Jake's Post (Link to Post)

Evernote was an absolutely helpful and a unique addition to the coursework, and I completely agree with you on that having the freedom to research any article we liked made this course much more enjoyable. I think that since this course is pretty general, a lot of students came into it with different expectations and took away vastly different skills and ideas. In that way, I think this will be one of my most enjoyable and informative classes I will take at Drexel.


Douha Alqudaihi said...

You did a good job on your final project also when presenting it! You and your group introduced me to a new topic in the robotics field "cobots".
This course really had a great coverage on several topics which we all took advantage of. I'm happy that the course has taught you some new things and increased your skills on BIM tools like Revit.
I strongly agree with you on your last point.

Liam Ossenfort said...

Varsha, I was in the same boat as you! Starting the course, I was intimidated by the syllabus’ anticipated course load, entailing things like Revit models and Databases, but once I started working on them, I was enjoying the work it required. The course also opened my eyes to the potential of job opportunities in the AE field, not only for AE students, but for all disciplines. I could easily work in the field even though I am studying computer engineering, for “Intelligent Buildings” require input from various kinds of professionals.

Brian Huynh said...

Greetings Varsha,

I agree that this class gives great insight on the extent of careers available with an AE concentration. I definitely wish I would have taken this course earlier during my time at Drexel so that I would have understood the various opportunities earlier. I also agree that the department should do a better job of integrating knowledge about the status of the industry within our various courses.

Spencer K said...

If you're interested in more applications of BIM and technology and construction, I highly recommend taking CMGT 375 next winter term (the prereq is CMGT course, but I convinced my advisor to take my INFO 203 course as an equivalent course to get in). Ben Ferrer from Turner Construction is the adjunct professor that teaches it and he goes more in depth about the applications and uses of BIM rather than the functions. It was my first introduction academically to BIM and I haven't looked back since. Great to hear that you've enjoyed the class as well!

Stephen Pettit said...


I found your point on the state of the industry is just as important as theoretical science very important. I think that it is very important to be aware of what is going to happen with your industry. Being aware leads to seeking more knowledge, instead of learning something with the uncertainty of how it is going to be applied. This class showed how aspects of the industry will be utilized in my career.

Elvira-Marie Mikhael said...

Hi Varsha,

You bring up a really good point, that it is really important to be prepared for change. I completely agree. Technology is advancing at a faster rate than ever, and if we do not make all of our classes geared similarly to this one, in that we are learning the current and future programs and systems used within the industry, we will get left behind. I think as a college we need to find the balance between being an R1 research institution and relying on theoretical science and being more adaptable for emerging technologies.

Abigail Kryszan said...

Hi Varsha,

I'm glad we were able to learn more about cobots together. It was great learning about a new technology with you and Ina. I hope to see cobots more readily used in the industry sooner rather than later. I completely agree that we have to be prepared for change. It's uncomfortable yet completely unavoidable. I think your idea of making this type of class more common is a great one.

Larisa Parshakova said...

I really enjoyed reading your reflection. It was interesting to read about somebody else's experience with the subject, especially somebody's with AE concentration.
I agree with you about bringing more courses that help to apply the knowledge we gained in theoretical classes and actually help us to look whats needed in the field.