Thursday, March 12, 2020

B6 - Stephen Pettit - Final Blog

This course was very useful for anyone that is focused on pursuing a career in the building industry. This class introduced topics on BIM, AI, Robotics, Sensors, Databases, Interoperability, Networking, and other technological advances. I am currently an Architectural Engineering student pursing building concentration, primarily HVAC. I thought the most interesting aspects of the class was BIM, the introduction to virtual reality, and the use of databases. The dynamo project and database project were very interesting to me, and I enjoyed completing those projects. I often work on Revit a lot at co-op, so it was very helpful to get more experience with it. Learning dynamo was easily my favorite part of the class. When I get the time, I want to learn more in depth how to use dynamo with my Revit projects. Throughout my career, my company and I can both benefit tremendously if I could work more efficiently with Revit projects due to the experience with dynamo.

The database assignment was very helpful for two reasons. The first reason is because it introduced me to variety of different sensors. I enjoyed the fact that I was able to gain more knowledge in engineering instead of generic examples that would be used in the database. The second reason is because I got to learn Microsoft Access. When I become an engineer, I may be able to utilize Access to organize different projects or different aspects of projects.

I think that Intelligent Buildings is going to increase throughout the world, and the building industry is going to thrive from it. It is important to get a sense of this now, because the world is quickly advancing their technology. These elements mentioned above are very important in improving efficiency, sustainability, and cost which essentially is our definition of an intelligent building. I recommend this class to any student that wants to learn more about how technology will affect their careers. This class had multiple different concentrations which shows the variety of careers that Intelligent buildings affect. Like mentioned earlier, this class also gives an introduction to softwares that will be useful to be familiar with in the future careers.


I like your point on how Professor Mitchell gave us small picture solutions to solve big picture solutions. I undervalued that aspect, and realize that smaller solutions really are crucial to solving problems. For example, if there is a large commercial project, there are smaller breakdowns that connect to each other that solves the big picture. I also enjoyed the guest lectures. Each guest lecture gave us true experiences with the intelligent buildings. This gave me a sense of realism on how fast technology is affecting our industry.


I also enjoyed learning more about Revit, and some of its capabilities that I have not experienced before. Revit is a major component in the building industry, and we are definitely going to be using Revit more frequently in the future. The articles were time consuming but they allowed us learn more about useful aspects of the building industry. It keeps us updated on the current problems of the industry and the future of the industry.


I found your point on the state of the industry is just as important as theoretical science very important. I think that it is very important to be aware of what is going to happen with your industry. Being aware leads to seeking more knowledge, instead of learning something with the uncertainty of how it is going to be applied. This class showed how aspects of the industry will be utilized in my career.

1 comment:

Andre Morris said...

Hi Stephen,

I think it was a great idea to highlight the way that this course can apply to anyone in this industry and not just those that want to focus on BIM or the technology heavy side of the industry. These skills and ideas are important for everyone in the industry. They get a better understanding of the technology that provides the backbone for the industry in the modern world.