Thursday, March 12, 2020


This course was very informative and worthwhile. I learned a lot about building technology and how the AEC industry is changing with technological advances. Moving forward, the insight and knowledge I gained from this class will be vastly useful in my professional life and development. Though I am a structural concentration, and structural engineers are usually hesitant to change (due to large liability), change is still inevitable. It is encouraging to see all the ways the job could improve, like better interoperability between AutoCAD and Revit.

I learned a lot that I definitely wouldn't have otherwise learned. I had no clue artificial intelligence applied to the AEC industry. I didn't realize that robots were already becoming players in the industry and weren't just science-fiction/goals for the future. I barely knew anything about databases, but now I can see they're incredibly important to the field and industry.

One thing I will almost certainly use in my professional life is Dynamo. I had no idea it existed, but it is incredibly useful. It's simple to use too, which further encourages me to learn more about it. I'll probably also use Access, too. I've always been a huge fan of Excel, and Access gives me more flexibility in terms of databases, which I have used Excel for before.

I really enjoyed the structure of this course. The assignments were helpful but not overwhelming. I found the blog posts incredibly beneficial. The term project was also really neat as it gave me a chance to dive into something I was interested in but wouldn't have otherwise studied. In my case, that was cobots. I now have more than a surface level knowledge of the benefits they can bring to the AEC industry.

I took this course as an elective, and I am so, so glad I did. I did not learn anything in this class that was "fluff" or irrelevant to me. Databases, sensors, interoperability, AI, robotics, it all applies to me as a young engineer to be. I absolutely recommend this class to anyone in the CAEE department, and possibly others.

Hi Varsha,

I'm glad we were able to learn more about cobots together. It was great learning about a new technology with you and Ina. I hope to see cobots more readily used in the industry sooner rather than later. I completely agree that we have to be prepared for change. It's uncomfortable yet completely unavoidable. I think your idea of making this type of class more common is a great one.

Hi Andre,

I think it's really neat that you as an electrical engineering major took this architectural engineering class. That to me shows how important it is for all branches of engineering to work together in the workplace. I like how you looped this class back to Drexel's one focus of career development. You're absolutely right that this class prepared us for industry. Of course our other more theoretical classes are important, but this class helped me think about AFTER graduation more, and not as just a stepping stone to get to graduation.

Hi Spencer,

I really enjoyed your project and presentation. Dynamo is a vastly useful tool, and it was neat that you took a good portion of the term to dive into it more for not only your own edification, but the rest of the class as well since you presented. I completely agree that this class gave us knowledge that will help us stay ahead of the technological curve. You're completely right that this course gave us resources to, as you put it, keep a finger on the pulse of the industry. This is a very insightful perspective that I hadn't really considered, so thank you.

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