Wednesday, March 11, 2020

B6 - Course Reflection - Michael Sciarra

Below I will reflect on the events of the course and give my overall reaction. I will also discuss how this course could possibly affect my future in Architectural Engineering and/or architecture. 

I appreciated the flow of the course and being able to give feedback and discuss topics in class. The teamwork option of the final was also very helpful as in my case, it forced me to be more attentive in completing my portions of the project as opposed to procrastinating to the last minute. Because my teammate was depending on me, I was more likely to get my work done ahead of time in order to accommodate eachother’s schedules and availability. I thought the task of commenting on other people’s blog posts was very enlightening. This portion of each blog forced me to view each of these articles from different people’s perspectives. I was able to gather a lot of insight I would have never considered otherwise. 

Elements of this course could be very influential on my career and helpful in adapting to the future of the construction world. The progress made with my experience in Revit has helped me become relatively proficient in navigating through the basic tools and user interface. Making standard blocks and that can be easily edited is extremely useful as they are comparable to variable blocks in autocad which proved to be very useful in the structural firm I served my second year coop with. Also this course made me aware of the vast wealth of BIM softwares which can improve the overall construction and design process. The introduction of so many technology articles was very inspiring and eye opening to the current environment we are working in and the projects from leading professionals. Databases could potentially be useful with highly detailed organization, but I doubt this would be used often. It is still helpful to have databases in one’s toolbox given it is applicable to so many facets. 

I would certainly recommend this class for future students as a professionally elective as I think there is a wide variety of topics discussed in the class with the opportunity to pursue one’s own professional interests in the final without being binded by the restriction of typical finals. 

You touch on something I feel I did not go into as much detail on and I think it is very important now that you mention it. The comment you make is on the fact that the knowledge of the industry itself is as important as learning the science required to function within it. I agree completely, this is similar to the necessity in high school for curriculums to cover more real life skills for students. Industry knowledge is something that will give us the upper hand. 

You’re discussion of the takeaways from this course and how you were able to take away some environmentally cautious practices in the construction sounds super interesting. This takeaway is a testament to the flexibility of this course that allows students of different interests to not be constrained to one specific topic.

I agree with you that I wish this course could have been taken earlier in my career at drexel. This course would have been greatly appreciated in my freshmen or software year in solidifying my specific area of interest within the architectural engineering major.

1 comment:

Andre Morris said...

Hi Michael,

I very much agreed that the discussions and flow of the class were very helpful in learning the content. Discussions and even blog possts help provide multiple perspectives and ideas on the same topic. It also helps to see everybody elses backgrounds and interests.